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mark quickly wore his trousers before dashing out of the hotel room him and donghyuck had crashed at for the night.

why had donghyuck run away like that when all mark had said was 'we need to talk'?

in fact, they really needed to talk.

mark wanted to know more about donghyuck, and all those things he had said the night before.

the 18-year-old could remember bits of their conversation, but he wasn't even sure he recalled everything perfectly. and he wasn't sure that what had been said was entirely true either. both him and donghyuck were so drunk yesterday...

"donghyuck?!" mark yelled when he got into the lobby, looking around for a mop of pink hair.

the people around stared at him weirdly. i mean, who wouldn't when facing a messy teenager, with his trousers unbuttoned and his shirt inside out while he screamed 'donghyuck'?

seeing no donghyuck around, mark ran to the front desk, slamming both hands on the wooden counter.

"have you seen a teenager, pink hair, tanned skin, moles everywhere, goes by the name donghyuck?"he asked quickly, making the receptionist take a few steps back.

"no." she replied, keeping her distances.

"fuck..." mark muttered, turning around and finding a couple walking hand in hand.

"have you seen donghyuck?" he asked them, startling the lady. "he's a bit shorter than me, with pink hair, and he's beautiful. have you seen him?"

"n-no, sorry..." the man replied, eying mark strangely.

"fuck, fuck, fuck..." mark groaned, walking to the doors of the hotel.

"DONGHYUCK?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" he screamed, catching two whole street's attention. the city became silent for a few seconds while everybody processed what was happening.

mark looked at his surroundings, ignoring the chattering of the people around, mumbling things like 'this boy is crazy' or 'call the police'. mark was in too much of a distress right now.

where could donghyuck have gone?

why had he left him with tears in his eyes?

mark wanted answers.

"DONGHYUCK!!!" he screamed again, falling to his knees on the dirty pavement as he started crying.

he looked more miserable than he had never had, lying in the middle of the street while he bawled his eyes out.

it seemed like the whole world was against him.

his head was killing him, and he felt nauseous once again, but not because of alcohol this time, it was simply because of stress and fear. the fear of never seeing the boy he had helplessly fallen in love with... his donghyuck... his baby doll...


"mister mark lee. 18 years old. goes to college here and lives with his mother and sister. what do you have to say about all of this...?"

baby doll - nct, markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now