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Max, you don't need to
send flowers every time I get injured.
But thankyou, they are very pretty.

I know you like flowers,
and I want to make you smile
How are you feeling?

I'm fine, I just hit
my head on my dressing table.
You're so sweet🥺
I really like them,
also the note was cute,

You need to be more careful
Is Milo with you?
hahah, I knew you'd like it

Milo is not... I've actually
just got back Monaco.
So if you want to hang out,
let me know.

Can I come over now?

I'm in bed, Max.

I didn't hear a no😏

I'm not saying no😉
I just say not right now

You're worth waiting for...
Besides I waited
11 years for a second kiss

That's true...
How long should I
wait for a 3rd kiss?

I'd kiss you right now...

I know...

Tomorrow is great though
Should I come to yours?

George is here, and I'm not sure he'd appreciate you being here
Really I need to be out walking.
How about the beach?

Beach is amazing.
Maybe I pack a picnic?
I understand about George, he's your teammate.
I'd probably feel the
same if someone took out Danny.

that would be cute.
George will come around dw

I am looking forward to it Scar
It will be our first date...

you're right it will be
You'll have to pick me up though?
Also Lewis mentioned
he messaged you..

It's fine I'll pick you up
and we can figure it out
He did... I think the first time he's ever messaged me

Are you going to tell
me what he said?


so that's a no

It was a nice message.
He told me that you're
like glass, if I break you,
I'll be the one bleeding
The man has a way with words

typical lewis

I told him I had no
intention of doing you harm
I was just glad that
you had given me a second chance.

Are you suuurreee I can't come over🙄

Yes, plus you watched
another episode of Cobra Kai😡

technically I didn't
Danny was watching it
and I just didn't ask
him to turn it off
so, I'll see you tomorrow then

I'll see you tomorrow Maximus❤️.

Sweet Dreams treasure x

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