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Hey Max.
We are meeting at the bar
at 20:30 to surprise Scarlet
She is getting drinks with
Lewis first whilst we finish setting up

I am not going, and I thought
we weren't talking

You're not going?
To your own girlfriends
birthday party?

Is Pierre going?

He's invited?

Are you going?

Well I planned it, so yes?

Then I'm not
I'd say have fun, but
I don't really care

wtf Max?
Is everything OK?
Also why aren't we talking

You mean since you
crashed me out?

I didn't crash you out?

I was there, you pushed me off track
I then DNF'd

Max you got a puncture on lap 67
The car was retired, that's
different to a DNF

I wouldn't have gotten a
puncture if you didn't push me off

I thought we cleared this
up after the race?

No I told you that I wanted
to you leave me alone
and that we weren't friends anymore

that wasn't a joke?


right...so you're not
coming tonight?

that is correct Daniel

So because you're not happy
with me, for stupid
reason might I add
you're not going to come
to your girlfriends party?

What's going on with you?

I just think it's time I
focused on myself

as opposed to when you
have focused on everyone else?
Scarlet said you didn't
even wish her a Happy Birthday?
I don't get it, I thought
everything was
great between you

Well she has Pierre who
I'm sure will keep her company
oh and Charles, who will
be her teammate next year

C'mon Max, you know that
she only has eyes for you
Also why do you care if she's moving?

So you're taking her side?

Is there another side to take?
This is ridiculous,
just come to the bar
Celebrate with your
girlfriend and then you and

I can sit down and sort out
whatever going on between us

read 17:15

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