Chapter 9

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Four days later, (Y/n) just told the special force the information she gathered from Naomi. They are going through surveillance cameras to make sure the information is accurate. "So far, the information you just told us is lining up with the footage, if I remember correctly, you were also on that bus?" L asks (Y/n).

"I was, but I passed out from the shock, I never knew the FBI agent even gave out his ID, I'm sorry" (Y/n) says sadly. She then gets a gentle pat on the head from L, "no need, the information you gathered is good enough" L praised. "Thanks, also thank you Watari" (Y/n) says to the old man, after giving her some ice cream.

Yes, she had ice cream with Light, but she really loves ice cream, plus it's free. They go through the videos one more time, "hey, is that an envelope?" (Y/n) pointed out, making the police officer stop the footage. "You're right, but in the footage on the left, it's gone!" One of the police officers said.

"That means it was left on the train, and at the very end here... Seems like he is straining to look inside the train before the doors closed" L added. "This adds up with what Naomi was saying" (Y/n) concluded, making L nod at her words, "but it's a bold move, it's unlike Kira when he can kill from afar" L said, while eating his ice cream.

Suddenly they got a call about Naomi, the same person (Y/n) just talked about. "What's wrong Ryu?" (Y/n) asks L once he closes the phone. "Well, apparently she's been missing since the day after her fiance died," L said, handing the phone to the police officer.

'D-Died? Wait... That means...' (Y/n)'s eyes widen in realization, 'I-I just... Helped Kira...' She knows who Kira is now, but, should she tell L? She shouldn't have joined the case, now she has to decide if Kira gets to live. While she was discovering this, Light's father figured out that his family is now being closely investigated.

As they argue, (Y/n) is still arguing with herself, 'do I tell L, and save criminals? While killing another person, and possibly risking life in jail?' (Y/n) pondered, she is basically Kira's accomplish. L takes notice of (Y/n)'s strange behavior, and walks up to her, "are you alright?" L asks.

"No... This whole thing is getting to my head..." (Y/n) said truthfully, as she has never experienced this before. "Kelly, you're a great asset to our plan, and the only one I trust the most. I promise you, that Kira won't hurt you, he will have to step over my dead body to get to you" L said, oh how ironic his statement will be in the future.

(Y/n) must be the dumbest person alive, or just way too kind-hearted, she is currently walking back home with Light. 'Why didn't I tell L? Why couldn't I? What is wrong with me?' (Y/n) thought, this causes her to slow her walking. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Light asks her, he is genuinely worried about her.

"Light...? If you were... Kira... Would you kill me?" (Y/n) asks, she meant for that to be a thought, but she said it out loud. 'Shit! Now I'm really dead!' (Y/n) thought. "Why would you say that? You're too pure, too nice, and always thinking of others!" Light says truthfully.

'How did she find out? Calm down Light, you don't know that yet' Light thought, using his intelligence against (Y/n)'s stupidity. "Are you accusing me of being Kira?" Light asks, swinging his arm around her shoulder to intimidate her, hoping she will tell the truth. "N-No! Of course not! I-I am just... Scared that Kira might kill me one day" (Y/n) somewhat lied, hoping he will believe it.

"He would never, I promise you, that Kira won't hurt you, he will have to step over my dead body to get to you," Light said. 'Wait... That's what L said, that is strange...' (Y/n) thought, but gave Light a kind smile, "thanks Light" (Y/n) said. 'In due time, my Goddess, I will reveal I am Kira, and you will rule by my side' Light thought with a sadistic smirk.

"I'll see you tomorrow Light!" (Y/n) said, waving towards Light, he waved back. When she walks into her room, Ryuk fazed through her wall. "Light is no fun, there are surveillance cameras in his home, so I'm crashing here," Ryuk said. "So... Do you have apples?" Ryuk asks with a pleading look, making (Y/n) sweatdrop.

"You're lucky that I bought fresh ones yesterday, there in the kitchen" (Y/n) said, pointing to the kitchen, only to see Ryuk chowing down on the apples. Sadly, Light wanted to use the apples to the Shinigami's disadvantage to get rid of the cameras, guess he has to find another way to get rid of them.

"Hey, Ryuk... Light is Kira, isn't he?" (Y/n) asks Ryuk, making him pause in his eating, he then started laughing. "Took you long enough to figure it out, now what will you do about it?" Ryuk asks her. "I do not know, what do you suggest Ryuk?" (Y/n) asks, another mistake, do not getting advice from a bored Shinigami.

"I say, don't tell anyone, I am quite interested in what will happen if they all figure it out on their own" Ryuk said. "Plus, I'm just glad I can have my apples," Ryuk said gratefully eating another apple. Be glad that no one has to witness his weird symptoms from lack of apples.

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