Chapter 68

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When Kiyomi got out of her car and towards NHN, someone tossed a smoke bomb on the ground and drove away. This allowed Mello to get close and take Kiyomi away, "don't do it! Take a look around, it's not safe for her here, not even inside" Mello exclaimed, making sure Lindner saw his face through the tint.

"It's best to get here away from here right now! Miss Takada, get on" Mello ordered. "It's okay, you'll be safe with him" Lindner reassured Kiyomi. This allowed Mello to drive off with Kiyomi, "Team A and Team B, stay on that bikes trail and don't lose sight of them" Lindner ordered.

"As for the rest of you, I need you to find that assailant" Lindner commanded, while 3 cars drove off after Mello. He quickly realizes he's being followed and loses the 3 cars, and cuffed handcuffs to Kiyomi. "W-What are you doing?!" Kiyomi exclaimed, only to be ignored.

On News7, it reported Takada getting kidnapped in front of the NHN. Sadly, the assailant didn't get away and ended up killed by Kiyomi's bodyguards. "Take off everything you're wearing, and put it all in that box" Mello ordered once they were in a secure spot.

"Hurry up, you can use this blanket" Mello demanded, while holding Kiyomi at gunpoint. "L, I am not the one who kidnapped Takada" Near informed Light. "Is that so? Then it has to be... Mello" Light concluded, "yes, that's right, I have to be honest with you on this. We had one of our members escorting Takada and confirmed it, Mello was the one who abducted her" Near said.

"I apologize for letting this happen, while one of us was guarding her," Near said, as this was not part of his plan. "Near, isn't there any way for you to contact Mello?" Light questioned hopefully. "No, I'm afraid that would be impossible, while I do have a method of getting in touch with him. There's no way he'd respond in the current situation" Near said truthfully.

"Before I take off the rest, could I please have the blanket? So I can wrap it around me" Kiyomi said, sounding shy. "Whatever you want" Mello complied, tossing her the blanket, unaware that Kiyomi has a page of the notebook. Mello proceeds to drive far away from the location while watching News7 regretfully, as he didn't plan for his buddy to be killed.

"Light... I..." Kiyomi said with a shaky voice, "Light... Light! Please save me!" Kiyomi begged as she started crying. "O-Okay... N-No, I don't know where I am... I was put into a truck, that was locked from the outside. But we're on the freeway, and I caught a glips of a sign that said we're heading to Nagano. Right now I think we're parked inside of a building somewhere" Kiyomi informed, while blood pooled everywhere from her attempts to kill Mello.

"I did what you told me to Light, I did it! I didn't struggle, even when he stripped me naked. I did exactly as you said, I made survival my first priority, and... And... I did it" Kiyomi informed, while Mello is dead on the wheel. "Please... Light... I did everything that you told me to, come quickly! Save me!" Kiyomi begged.

"I... I know! But... But Light!" Kiyomi begged, only to be cut off, "I-I can do it..." Kiyomi silently said. She cried for a little bit, then called someone else. "It's me, send me as many names of people to punish as you can, here's my email address," Kiyomi said to Mikami.

While Kiyomi waited for Light to be saved, she suddenly gasps, and the light in her eyes died out. When Lindner got there, the place and the truck is on fire. "What the hell is this?!" Aizawa questioned, as they just arrived at the scene as well, looking at the burning building in shock.

Light looked at the building with a smirk, as he wrote down her death in the car. The note wrote, "Takada Kiyomi, suicide, 2013, January 26th, 2:32 p.m. Burns to death by setting fire to everything around her, including the things she wrote on". Meaning, that all the evidence, along with the bodies, gets burned up, and no one figures out what had happened.

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