Chapter 31

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Currently, she is standing next to Matsuda, they are both currently watching Misa doing a film with a male actor. "I love you, so please, don't tell me you're going home now. Instead, say you'll stay by my side" the male actor said, leaning in towards Misa for a kiss.

"Uh... Mr. Director, I can't do this, I have a boyfriend and girlfriend, can we cut the love scenes please?" Misa asked the director, stopping the actor from kissing her. "Plus, my girlfriend is watching today, I can't just kiss someone else in front of her!" Misa said, which is quite loyal.

'She does know that I don't really care if she has to kiss someone for acting, and that Light doesn't actually love her... Right?' (Y/n) thought with a sweatdrop. She then notices Matsuda staring off at a building, the building is the Yotsuba's office.

"Matsuda?" (Y/n) asked, making him wince and clench his eyes close, "Matsuda? Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked again. Only for him to toss his water cup to the ground and started running. "Matsuda?!" (Y/n) yelled, running after his figure, quite worried about his well-being.

Before Matsuda could get into the building, she put her hand on his shoulder, making him stop in his tracks. "(Y/n), what are you doing?" Matsuda asked her, "I should be asking you that, but I'm following you" (Y/n) said. "N-No need, I can do this myself!" Matsuda said with a reassuring smile.

"No, I'm not leaving you to do this alone, let me help you" (Y/n) said with determination in her eyes, making Matsuda surprised by her help. "Fine, but just follow my lead," Matsuda said, leading her to the Yotsuba's office, leading them to sneak by the reception desk.

As Matsuda goes to turn the corner, (Y/n) pulls him back, making him confused, but they stayed quiet. They then hear feet padding by, a group of employees just passing by them. When the elevator dinged, (Y/n) goes to keep moving, but Matsuda kept her to the wall with a conflicted look.

But he snapped out of it when they hear a sigh from an employee, "I'm too tired," one of the employees said. "Look on the bright side, at least it falls on the weekend, we never know how long these confidential meetings will go on for. Can you imagine if we did this on Mondays? That would be the worst start to the week" the other employee said.

"Bingo..." Matsuda whispered out, slinking along the wall towards the elevator, (Y/n) following along. They both look at the floor the employees left off of, rising to the 19th floor. Matsuda then started running towards the stairs, (Y/n) is now regretting following him, she didn't want to go up 19 floors of stairs.

She followed him anyways, and they eventually made it to a large room leading to a fancy door. Instead of going through the door, he tries to listen in, while (Y/n) does the smart thing and stays out of sight, if the door opens. Suddenly the door opens, making Matsuda fall into the office.

"Who the hell are you?!" A guy asked, making (Y/n) worried, she doesn't know how to bail him out. 'Wait! My belt!' (Y/n) thought, clicking the belt a few times to give an emergency signal to Watari. "Sorry to barge in like this! Um... My name is Taro Matsui, I'm an agent with Yoshida productions!" (Y/n) heard Matsuda say.

'I guess that is one way to get out of the situation' (Y/n) thought with a sweatdrop at Matsuda's nervousness. She also is unaware of how she is making L and Light worried about her well-being, she is in for a long lecture from the two. "I also have my assistant with me to help me advertise! Kelly, please come in!" Matsuda said, tossing (Y/n) under the bus.

'Damnit Matsuda, you're lucky I have Misa advertisement on me!' (Y/n) thought, while walking in with a smile. "Hello~! I am Kelly Lynn, Taro's assistant! Please to meet you all" (Y/n) said while holding up Misa advertisements. One of the employees read the card to make sure they aren't lying.

"Yoshida Productions, Taro Matsui, and Kelly Lynn, they both don't have anything suspicious on them," the employee said, placing down the card. "I supposed that means they aren't a corporate spy," the employee said, looking over the items that the two intruders had, which are just phones, pictures of Misa, business cards, and pens.

"Yup, so please take Misa Misa into consideration!" (Y/n) says a bit enthusiastically, seeing Matsuda is too nervous to speak, Suddenly, Matsuda's phone goes off, making the situation more awkward than it's supposed to be. "Go ahead, you can answer it, don't say that you're here though, and hold it away from your ear, make sure we can listen in to the conversation," one of the employees said.

"Okay..." Matsuda said, picking up his phone and doing exactly as the employee said, not wanting to die so soon. "Hello?" Matsuda asked, "Yo! Matsui" L said through the phone, "Yeah, it's me, Asahi! It's been a while buddy!" L said. "Asahi! Yeah! It's been a long time!" Matsuda said nervously.

"Yeah, it doesn't sound like you're out right now, don't tell me you're home already," L said, "yeah..." Matsuda said, once again nervously. "So? Are you by yourself?" L asked, "actually, Kelly is here with me, just hanging out together," Matsuda said nervously, letting L know that (Y/n) is currently with him.

"So, do you both want to go out drinking tonight?" L asked, "Huh? Right now? Oh sorry... I'll have to pass tonight" Matsuda said, a little more casual now. "Aw, what's the matter? Don't tell me your wallet is in trouble again" L said, basically using code words to ask if they are in trouble.

"Yeah... That's right, big troubles, with money, you know me way too well! Hahaha," Matsuda said nervously. "Aw that's too bad, guess I'll drag you out some other time, alright? See ya buddy" L said, hanging up the phone. "Heh, sorry about that, that's a really old friend of ours, so what do you think about contracting Misa Misa?" (Y/n) asked the two employees.

"I think she will be a great spokesperson for your company!" (Y/n) said cheerfully, making the two look at each other. "If you're going to promote one of your clients, shouldn't you at least bring them with you?" One of the employees asked. "Do you expect us to believe you're this girl's manager and assistant manager?" The other employee asked, making the atmosphere tenser.

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