Chapter 45

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(Y/n) wandered down to the main lobby, she was just called to come down for something important. Just as she got down the stairs, both Light and L entered. "Ryuzaki! What's the meaning of all this?!" Matsuda questioned, which confused (Y/n), as she isn't in the loop of what happened.

"You somehow got the approval from another country to use the notebook for an execution?!" Matsuda questioned, which surprised (Y/n). She quickly runs up to L, she knows that the rules on the back of the notebook are lies, but she has to act worried, to not seem suspicious.

"First thing's first, please make arrangements to transport the notebook immediately" L commanded, ignoring Matsuda's question, and (Y/n)'s worried look. "Ryuzaki... You're trying to test the notebook out... Aren't you?" (Y/n) questioned, gaining everyone's attention.

"You do know me best... Don't you? You're correct, I'm going to try out the notebook, for real" L confirmed, making everyone gasp. "WE CAN'T DO THAT! AND THERE IS NO POINT IN TESTING IT NOW WHEN WE ALREADY KNOW THE NOTEBOOK'S POWER'S REAL!" Aizawa yelled out.

"And besides, who's going to write the name? If someone started writing in the notebook, they'll have to obey the 13-day rule, and keep writing names forever!" Matsuda pointed out. "It's already been worked out, the person who'll write in the notebook is a criminal scheduled to be executed in just over 13 days. If he's still alive, 13 days after writing the name, he'll be pardoned from execution" L announced.

"But still, to sacrifice our life..." Soichiro started, only to be interrupted by L, "we're very close! If we work this out, the entire case would be solved!" L announced. Suddenly lightning struck the building, making the TVs and computers go red, making loud beeping noises.

"Watari? WATARI!" L yelled out, only for everything to say "All data deletion", shocking everyone at the events that just transpired. "I told Watari, to make sure that he should erase all information, in the event that something were to happen to him" L pointed out.

"W-Wait... Watari is..." (Y/n) mumbled out, tears clouding her eyes at the thought of Watari being dead. "Where is the Shinigami?" L questioned, only for everyone to look around for Rem. "Everyone! The Shiniga-" L started, only to stop talking for a moment.

"Ryu? No! RYU!" (Y/n) yelled out, jumping in to catch him from falling off the chair. "Ryu! Please... Ryu! Don't do this to me!" (Y/n) cried out, trying to shake L awake. (Y/n) kept trying to wake him, knowing full well he is dying, ignoring everything around her.

L stared at her for a moment, slowly reaching his hand up to her face, in his last moment of breath. "(Y/n)... I... Love... Yo-..." L started, only for his hand to suddenly drop, and his body slumped over. (Y/n) then started crying hysterically, her brain not wanting to believe he is dead, blocking out her own voice who is begging L to come back.

Mogi and Aizawa tried to pull (Y/n) away from L's body, but she struggled in their grip. "LET GO OF ME! L! PLEASE WAKE UP! YOU'RE NOT DEAD! PLEASE!" (Y/n) cried out, while being dragged away, hand outstretched to try and reach L. Only for her vision to darken, feeling pressure behind her head from the force of being knocked out by Mogi. "L..." (Y/n) mumbled out, her body going limp from unconsciousness, a few stray tears rolled down her cheeks.

Light walks down the hallway towards (Y/n)'s room, 'I've got rid of everything in my way! Now, to only get rid of Misa, then I can start a new world with my Goddess! We are the Gods of the new world!' Light thought with a sadistic smile. Finally making his way to (Y/n)'s room to finally have her to himself.

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