Chapter 53

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"This is Kira, I understand the notebook that was in your possession has fallen into criminal hands," Kira said, but this time it wasn't Light speaking. "Can you prove that you're the real Kira?" Soichiro questioned, as their conversation is being heard by the special task force, and (Y/n).

"Prove it? Now that there are others using the notebook, there's no point predicting killings in order to identify me. They could just as easily kill the same targets, but don't worry, I have already taken this into account. I've sent you something that will clearly prove to you that I am Kira, it's my own notebook" Kira stated.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Soichiro questioned, while everyone in the living room of Light's apartment surrounded Light. Meanwhile (Y/n) is sitting on Light's lap, listening to the whole conversation, staring at the computer screen in suspicion. "The notebook I've sent you gives me the power to know a person's name by seeing only their face, and you will be able to gain that same power, do you understand?" Kira asked.

'Who is this? What are they planning?' (Y/n) wondered, already having suspicions on who it is. In the other room, Misa is typing on a separate computer, typing out every sentence. "Please stay calm, and listen carefully..." Misa said while slowly typing out the words.

"I've gathered the information from the FBI, and other sources, on November 10th at exactly 11:59 p.m. Arrangements have been made so that all known associates of the Mafia will die" Kira informed, surprising the special task force. The image of the Mafia group poped up, with everyone on the ground dead.

"It's already been written in my notebook, so it's impossible for me to make any changes, you will not be able to prevent these deaths. I already know their location, I will hand over that information, along with the notebook, so remember... November 10th, 11:59 p.m., that's when it all happens, that's your only chance when to get the notebook back" Misa typed out.

'No... Mello! I have to warn him!' (Y/n) thought, going to get off Light to grab her phone, only to be pulled down by him. "I do advice you to stay sitting, we don't want more blood on your hands, now do we?" Light whispered into (Y/n)'s ear. 'Mello... I'm sorry...' (Y/n) thought, while complying with Light's demand and staying sitting on his lap.

(Y/n) sat in the room, looking depressed as the day L died, Misa is there trying to comfort her. Unaware that Soichiro is making a deal for the Shinigami eyes and signing off on his future death. 'Mello... Please... Don't die too...' (Y/n) thought, while tears drip down her face from the possible outcome of her friend's death.

It's now November 10th, at 11:47 p.m., Mello is obliviously unaware of the cameras on the rundown base. (Y/n) wanted to not be apart in watching Mello's death, but Light decided otherwise, so now she is stuck on his lap. "Report, is everybody ready to move in?" Light asked through the headpiece.

"Rodger" everyone confirmed, which (Y/n) heard through her headpiece. "Alright, Deputy Director, make the eye deal, with the Shinigami" Light commanded, surprising (Y/n). "Once you're finished, I want to take a look at the photographs of the criminals I gave you, can you see their names and life spans?" Light questioned.

"Yes... I can" Soichiro confirmed, "their names should disappear soon, that's your cue" Light commanded. 'Wait... I thought this was happening on the 11th at 11:59 p.m., not on the 10th at 11:47 p.m.' (Y/n) thought, quite confused. It was an agonizingly long wait until they finally heard the screams of dying men.

"Everyone! Move-in!" Soichiro commanded, they quickly went to the base's door, shooting it down. "So... Seems like (Y/n)'s warning did come in handy after all" Mello commented, glaring at the sound of doors being torn down. "But the issue is... Damn, what is Shiro doing?!" Mello questioned, as he sees Shiro just standing there.

Mello ran off, passing by a dead man with the notebook underneath him, "Roy, Skyer, the notebook's under Ron's body. Bring it to the surveillance room upstairs!" Mello ordered as he ran off. But, the males didn't have enough time to get the notebook and run, as the special task force busted through the exit door.

The notebook was then shot out of the male's hands and picked up by Soichiro. "L, we apprehended 2 of the criminals, we've also been able to secure the notebook" Soichiro informed. "We'll begin withdrawing now!" Matsuda ordered, "not yet, keep going" Light ordered, making (Y/n) worried.

'I have to get rid of this Mello person before he takes away my Goddess as well, nothing personal (Y/n), but he is in my way' Light thought with a smirk. "We still haven't found anyone who resembles our picture of Mello, that means he must be hiding somewhere in the building" Light informed.

"We've come this far... Let's finish this, do a thorough search" Light commanded, as the special task force did as commanded. Suddenly, a massive explosion is seen inside a room, "Agh!!" Ryuk yelled, getting hit by the explosion, forgetting that he can't die that easily.

"Don't move! I've already blown up the 2 entrances to this place, this will be your only warning. The next explosion will take out the entire building, as well as all your men inside. So you better do as I say" Mello announced, as he prepared this ahead of time, thanks to (Y/n)'s warning.

"Hehe... Yagami again, huh? Maybe I should've killed you when I had the chance. History repeats itself, but I never dreamed in a million years, that I would be bargaining for the notebook with you again" Mello said in annoyance. "M. I. H. A. E. L... K. E. E. H. L. You're real name... Is Mihael Keehl" Soichiro informed, shocking Mello.

'What the hell?! How did he?!" Mello thought, while Light looked at the cameras in shock, and (Y/n) looked at the cameras in worry. 'I did it!' Light thought happily, 'no! Miha! Get out of there!' (Y/n) thought in worry, hoping that Miha will get out alive somehow.

"It's over Mello, it's time to turn yourself in, if you give up, I won't kill you" Soichiro warned, giving Mello a chance to live. (Y/n) was happy that Soichiro is being the better person and giving Mello a chance to survive, while Light is enraged. 'What are you doing?! Don't be stupid! Write his name down and kill him! Now!' Light thought in anger.

"You know how this works, I write your name, and you will die, let go of that trigger and put your hands in the air!" Soichiro demanded. 'Come on Miha, stop being stubborn for once and take the chance to live!' (Y/n) thought, but ultimately knew what Mello is going to do.

"Yagami..." Mello started, as he moved his hand down, "DON'T MOVE! I've written your first name! And it will only take me a second to write your surname!" Soichiro warned. 'UGH! You idiot!! Just write it! Kill him!!' Light thought in anger, very peeved that his father is going against his plans, too bad they are all unaware of Mello's devious plan.

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