Mello x Reader Ending

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Running could be heard throughout the abandoned building, the person seems to be in a hurry. "Boss! I'm sorry... But Ed and I were talking for a minute, looks like Takaemora hung himself with his tie somehow!" A Mafia member sated with sweat dripping down his face.

"What's wrong with you?! Just great... What are we supposed to do with a dead hostage?!" The Mafia boss asked, ready to kill his subordinate. "No, this will be just fine" Mello assured, making the Mafia boss confused, 'if Kira is responsible for this... We know he can't touch us since he doesn't know our names or faces. That's why he went after Takemura instead, that means Kira's someone who knows about the kidnapping' Mello thought with a smirk.

"So, what are we going to do, Mello?" The Mafia boss questioned, "I'll tell you what we're going to do, we're going to kidnap (Y/n) (L/n), and Sayu Yagami" Mello commanded, using this as leverage to snag the notebook faster, along with saving (Y/n). Meanwhile, with the special task force, they are still trying to find leads for Takaemora or the kidnapper.

Light decided to send (Y/n) to her room, not wanting her involved with the kidnapping case. Instead of going to her room, (Y/n) decided to get some air, since it is nighttime, there were no cars or people. Suddenly, a black car drove up next to her, and she felt hands pull her into the car, before she could scream, a rag was put over her mouth.

"Shh... Calm down (N/n), it's me" Mello whispered into the female's ear, calming her down. Once Mello was sure she wouldn't continue to struggle, he lets go of her. "Mello? It really is you! What are you doing?! Are you trying to get my Mom killed?!" (Y/n) lectured, gently hitting Mello.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, I got it all covered, I even went so far as to erase you and your mother from the internet" Mello reassured. "But did you think about getting me killed?!" (Y/n) questioned, angry that Mello would take that risk. "I figured that you held value to Kira, so why would he kill you if you're valuable? Plus, who could kill such a cute face" Mello teased.

"Quit it, tell me what's going on!" (Y/n) demanded, making Mello sigh. "I teamed up with the Mafia to help save you, I sent your mother back to England, Rodger is taking care of her as we speak. We are going to use Sayu as a way to get the notebook" Mello informed.

"Sayu? No! She doesn't deserve something like that! Promise me you wouldn't kill her!" (Y/n) demanded. "I'm making no such promises, it's just business babe," Mello said while leaning back, taking a bite out of a chocolate bar. "Then you are just as bad as Kira..." (Y/n) mumbled out.

"I am nothing like that bastard! He killed L! He threatened you! I am taking the necessary actions! Trust me on this, no one is going to die" Mello reassured, somewhat lying to her. "You're right... I'm sorry Mello... You know I hate people killing others... It's just not right" (Y/n) mumbled out sadly, only to feel Mello side hugging her.

"Now, when we get to the compound, tell me what you know" Mello ordered, which (Y/n) nodded at. The car then arrived at an airport, they shuffled out and took a plane to Los Angeles, it took the whole day to get there. When they got there, they drove off to an abandoned building.

(Y/n) is currently sitting next to Mello, trying to hide in his arms from all the scary men. "Isn't she a cutie? Is she your whore?" One of the Mafia grunts asked, getting a glare from Mello. "Don't call her such degrading things, she is here under my protection, and to give us information about the notebooks" Mello said while scaring the Mafia grunt.

"I-I'll start now..." (Y/n) informed, trying to build up the courage to tell Mello everything. She proceeded to tell him about Light, what happened with L and Watari, and how many notebooks there are. Mello listened carefully and would give glares to anyone who interrupted her.

"That's everything..." (Y/n) finished, a bit winded from the long summary of the whole investigation. "That manipulative bastard, don't worry, we'll make sure he can never harm you again" Mello reassured. "I'm just ashamed that I... I allowed L to be killed..." (Y/n) sadly said, gaining another side hug from Mello.

During her time with Mello, they got the main notebook that started it all and gave Sayu back to Soichiro. They then also met another Shinigami, but for Mello, it's his first time seeing one. "Mello, you can use me as bait for Light, to prove that he is Kira" (Y/n) volunteered.

Mello then gave her a glare, but it wasn't as harsh as his normal ones. "Don't suggest that again, I am not risking your life over some petty rivalry, and lovesick obsessed monster" Mello said. "But, it would be easier this way, he wants me alive, and he will most likely do anything to get me back" (Y/n) informed. "No, end of discussion" Mello said, quite stubborn about (Y/n)'s safety.

In the end, Mello decided to team up with Near, for (Y/n)'s safety, and join him in taking Light down. Mello told Near everything (Y/n) had told them, making Near a little mad. As a team, they used the original notebook against Light and took him down.

This saddened the Yagami family, as they didn't want to believe their child was a murderer. While Mello is satisfied with saving (Y/n) from the monster, and avenging L. While Near is just glad that (Y/n) is alright, but otherwise indifferent about everything else.

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