Chapter 18

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"Look, this is not a game, all three of us are risking our lives to change the world, aren't we?" Light asks Misa. They immediately jumped back into the conversation, pretending he didn't just make (Y/n) moan. "I know that, but... I love you more than she does and more than the world Light!" Misa confessed.

"Don't you believe in love at first sight?!" Misa asks Light, "no, but I do believe I do not love you" Light mumbled out, but Misa only heard the "no" part. "The moment I first saw you, I knew," Misa said, basically flirting with Light again, but Light didn't appreciate it. 'What is wrong with this girl?! She can't get it through her thick skull that I love (Y/n)!' Light thought with a scowl.

"Popular, haha! As always" Ryuk said with a laugh, amused by the situation, but also trying to lighten up the atmosphere. "Well, you can show me your love by obeying me, I thought you said it was okay if I used you? A minute ago, you swore you'd do anything I asked!" Light said, using Misa's words against her.

"Yeah! I did! But I never said you could date her! I mean, those are two totally different things!" Misa argued back, this causes Light to glare at Misa. "I think you're forgetting I have both notebooks... If you don't obey me, I can easily kill you" Light threatened Misa.

"I would never allow that Light Yagami," Rem said, looming over Light, making all three humans look at Rem. "If you do anything that results in this girl's death, the first thing I'll do is write your name in my Death Note. I will kill you" Rem threatened Light, while Light blocked Rem's sights from (Y/n) in a protective way.

"I'm sure you realize that I can see her life span if she happens to die before that time, I'll know you killed her" Rem finished her threat. "But if you were to use your Death Note to save her, wouldn't that mean you'd die too?" Light asks Rem, trying to find a loophole around Rem's threat.

"Yes, you are correct, but I'm quite willing to accept that outcome," Rem said seriously, making Light glare at Rem. 'Is this Shinigami serious? This is crazy, then this means from now on...' But Light never got to finish that thought as a knock sounded at his door.

"Light?" Sachiko asks, "yeah? What is it?" Light asks, which signified that his Mother is allowed in his room, so she opened the door. "It's almost 11:30 you know, you really shouldn't have your friend here this late, is (Y/n) sleeping over again?" Sachiko asks Light, quite used to (Y/n)'s often visits at night.

"Oh, of course, and yes Mom, she is staying tonight, I guess we lost track of time," Light said. "Sorry, Ms. Yagami," Misa said politely, so Light and (Y/n) walked her out, along with Sayu and Sachiko. "I'm really sorry for coming over so late at night, see you later Light," Misa said with a small wave.

"Light, you and (Y/n) should walk her to the station," Sachiko said to the two teens, making Light a bit worried. Thankfully Misa got the hint, "oh! No, I'm alright, thanks, well goodnight!" Misa said as she ran off towards the station. While his family talks about how cute the girl is (Y/n) noticed Light's worried thoughtful look, making her worried.

'That Shinigami is going to kill me if I kill that girl?! Which means... I'm going to have her hanging around me until she dies?! Not only that, but it also means I have to be forced to protect her from being caught by the police for the rest of her life!' Light thought with annoyance, not liking the fact he has an annoying girl around him now.

With Misa, she has other thoughts lingering in her mind, "thanks to you Rem, Light is really going to be my knight and shining armor. Though I guess I can tolerate the girl, for now, she is kind of cute... Also, you can't really kill him, okay?" Misa said to the Shinigami, not getting a reply back.

Arriving back in Light's room, Light starts up his computer while (Y/n) puts on her pajamas in his bathroom. When she leaves the bathroom she sees Light with a hand to his forehead, that threat really got to him. "Light, are you alright?" (Y/n) asks as she gently places her hand on his shoulder, but he took her hand and placed it on his cheek.

"It's just, she is a bigger nuisance than L is, only difference is, I am stuck with her" Light grumbled out while nuzzling his face into her hand. He reluctantly lets go of her hand to look up Misa, only to find an ad with her picture on it, "she's famous?! Ugh, this is worse than I thought, damn it, she is nothing but trouble!" Light said in more annoyance.

'What should I do... No! More importantly, I need to think of how I can use Misa's eyes to help me kill L. I don't want (Y/n) to hate me for making her kill her own friend, that's too cruel, but if I can eliminate him...' Light didn't finish that thought as he gave an evil smirk to his new plan.

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