Sock Opera-Part Four

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A minute didn't even pass, before Dipper ripped Kill's arm clean off.

In a heartbeat, his birthmark glowed a crimson red, and his grip tightened on the Demon's forearm. There was an ear-splitting crack in the shoulder socket, before Dipper yanked his arm off, and flung it halfway across the room.

In response, Kill wore an unamused expression, while he bled out onto his shirt. He sighed, and walked across the room to retrieve his missing limb.

"Why can't we have a decent conversation without you tearing off parts of my body?" The redhead complained.

Dipper balled his fists. "What are you doing here, Kill?"

Kill didn't answer immediately, as he was busy fitting his arm back into it's socket. As usual, the skin knitted together easily, and he was fully healed in seconds. He rolled his newly recovered shoulder, before turning to the brunette with a toothy grin.

"Well, to help you, of course," Kill grinned. "I heard you had trouble with a certain laptop, and I'm here to help you exchange for a small price."

Dipper gritted his teeth, and then yelled. "I don't have time for your tricks!"

Kill examined his nails calmly. "Actually, you do. Take a look at the laptop."

Dipper's birthmark dimmed, and a look of confusion masked his face. He moved towards the laptop, while keeping a cautious side glance at the Demon. He looked at the screen of the laptop, and his eyes widened. Four minutes and counting shown on the screen in bright green, and it was conveniently stuck that way.


"I stopped that laptop's timer, so we could have a chance to talk," Kill explained, drawing closer to Dipper.

Dipper stepped back, the back of his knees almost hitting the bed. He grabbed the laptop, holding it to his chest. "What do you want?"

"I already told you, I'm here to help," He said, calmly.

"Help?" Dipper snapped. "In what way? By tormenting my family and friends!?"

Kill sighed. "Don't be so dramatic. Look, I know how to unlock that laptop, you just have to give me something in return."

Dipper crossed his arms. "Hard pass."

"You don't want to disappoint your friends, do you? After all, this junky laptop seems important to them, they might see this incident as your fault."

"Anything is better than listening to you," Dipper hissed. "After all the things you did last summer, after you cursed me!"

Kill's expression changed, now he was the one that looked confused. "Curse?"

One of Dipper's eyes twitched. Was this raspberry flavoured Demon really mocking him at a time like this? In retrospect, that was exactly the kind of thing Kill would do.

"Yeah, the curse," Dipper shot back. "The one that makes me go into a raging state, that turns me into a freaking monster. Ring any bells?"

The Demon regarded him for a long while, and out of nowhere, he began laughing. He was chuckling nonstop, while Dipper seethed with unrelenting anger, trying to figure out the easiest way to make jump ropes out of his intestines.

Finally, Kill's laughter died down, all that remained was a smile. "Red Pine, whatever you thought that was, I assure you it is not and was never meant to be a curse."

The brunette blinked, bewilderment threaded through him, as he tried to find his words. "Then...what is it, then?"

Kill then harboured a look, one of those rare warm looks, that he only seemed to reserve for him. Dipper didn't like that look, it made him feel things. And, he refused to feel anything towards this dirtbag.

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