Society of the Blind Eye-Part One

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A/N: Sorry this chapter upload took so long.
In the middle of the night, Lazy Susan was tending to the diner. She hummed to herself, while sweeping a broom across the floor.

"Ta dum, locking up," She sang, merrily.

She peered at the possums scurrying around in the dishes, and poked the possums with her broom. "Shoo, possums, shoo!" The possums shrieked and scurried out the open door. 

After that, she stepped out of the diner, and locked the door. "Good night, diner," She smiled, walking away. "Good night, trees. Good night, tiny men stealing my pie—Wait, WHAT?!"

She spun around towards the diner's window, lifting up her eyelid. She stared widely at the dozen gnomes, that were attempting to steal a pie from out the window.

Jeff was standing idly, instructing the rest of the gnomes. "Lift with your knees. No, your knees! If I go one more hour without eating, I'm gonna resort to cannibalism," He paused, and looked sideways at Lazy Susan, and then tipped his hat. "Ma'am."

Lazy Susan  shrieked loudly. "Little magic men! What does it mean? What do I do?" She ran to a nearby payphone and dialled 911, a moment later she spoke into the phone. "Yes, hi. I'd like to report something. I'm at Greasy's Diner. You won't believe what I've witnessed!"

As she stood there, she was unaware of the two figures sneaking up behind her, from a patch of nearby bushes.

Susan continued to yell into phone. "It's unbelievable! It's indescribable! It's- AAAAAAAH!"The figures sneak up behind her and kidnapped her, dragging her away..

"It is unseen," One of the cloaked men sneered, before moving away. Behind him, a symbol was graffitied on the wall.

Jeff  and the rest of gnomes witnessed this with shocked expressions.

"Welp, back to pie," Jeff declared. Immediately the gnomes moved on, grabbing the pie and running off. "I was this close to eating you, Steve."


In the Mystery Shack, Dipper was working harder than he ever worked before. Days without sleeping, and hours spending researching spells and consuming coffee, and Dipper wasn't even close to finding a solution to Bill's problem.

Currently, him and Bill were inside the shack's guest room, on the floor, with papers stacked around them.

Dipper looked down at the journals. "Bill, can you pass me—" He blinked, when he saw Bill asleep on the couch. "Bill!"

The blond jumped awake, a piece of paper stuck the side of his face. "Eh? Did you find something?"

"No," Dipper sighed, rubbing the his eyes. The undersides of his eyes were starting to darken from the lack of sleep.

Bill gave him a concerned look. "I think it's time we take a little break."

Dipper shook his head. "We can't. Who knows how long, until the old Bill takes over your body."

"The only thing taking over my body right now is sleep deprivation," Bill shot back. "We're not gonna find anything, if we pass out."

Dipper still didn't budge, staring intensely at a page with strange symbols on it. "I just need a little more time, one of these symbols must hold an answer."

"Pine Tree, don't overexert yourself," Bill said. "Besides, I hadn't felt the the demonic killjoy's presence in a while now, he's probably taking a break or something."

"Taking a break?" Dipper repeated, tiredly. "Don't phrase it like this is his part-time job or something."

"It could be, I can be time-consuming, and soul-crushing if I want to be, so it's not that much of a difference."

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