Northwest Mansion Mystery-Part Two

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(A/N: heads up, I've decided to cut out the "Marius von Fundshauser" plotline, because I have already added some side-plots in this 'episode', and didn't know how to incorporate it, not to mention Candy and Greta are only included as background characters in this episode, so I felt it might be unnecessary. Hope you understand.)

The next day, in front of the Northwest Manor,  a limo drove through the crowds of people, as a butler pulled a lever to open the main gates and let it through. As the limo pulled in front of the house, the two servants opened the doors to the house, letting out Dipper, Mabel, Will, Bill, and Mason.

Pacifica was waiting for them at the front door, as they approached her. "Welcome to Northwest Manor, dorks. Try not to touch anything."

"No promises," Bill grinned.

Pacifica sighed, before hesitantly letting them inside the mansion. They entered an enormous hall, and Mabel gasped in wonder.

"Everything's so fancy! Fancy floors, fancy plants—"Mabel gasped, upon facing a butler. "Fancy man!" She then proceeded to rub his face.

"Mm, yes. Very good miss," The butler murmured.

"Rich people are crazy," Bill laughed in disbelief, holding a gift bag. "They put chickens in their gift bags! Look!" He held bag upside down, and a live quail fell out, before running across the floor.

"Hey, lemon-head!" Pacifica snapped. "Stop messing around!"

"Whatever you say, princess," Bill remarked. "So, where is this ghost you speak of?"

"That's what we were wondering," A voice spoke.

The voice belonged to Preston. The man approached them, with Priscilla by his side.

"Ah, if it isn't the Guardians of World Balance," Preston smiled, shaking the hands of Pine Twins. "Big of fan of your work, heard you two were experts in banishing evil spirits. Hopefully you can help us with our little... situation, before the guests arrive in an hour."

"We'll do our best," Dipper promised.

"Splendid!" Preston beamed, then turned to Pacifica and whispered to her. "By the way, take our guests to the "problem room," we want them to at least be presentable..."

"On it," Pacifica said, then turned to the others. "Come on, we're heading to the dressing rooms."

"Dressing rooms!?" Mabel beamed, in excitement.

Bill shrugged. "As long as I don't wear anything ridiculous, I guess it's fine."


Later, Bill emerged from a dressing room in a tight tuxedo. "I look ridiculous, and I am not fine."

"I have to agree with Bill," Dipper said, tugging at his collar. "It's like this collar is strangling me. Who do you guys think you're impressing with this stuff?"

"You wouldn't understand," Pacifica replied. "High standards are what make the Northwest family great."

"Speaking of great, take a look at me!" Mabel exclaimed, bursting out of the dressing room, wearing a bright pink dress with a feathery boa and a decorative head piece.

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