Blendin's Game-Part Three

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Bill exited the store with a packaged screwdriver in hand. The experience he just had was nothing short of utter hell. The line for the cashier was abysmally long. Seriously, how could so much people need to purchase screwdrivers?

He looked around for William and Gompers, but was struck with confusion. Gompers was standing alone, a ball in his mouth, frantically scanning his surroundings. The Blue Demon was nowhere in sight.

Bill quickly approached the animal. "Gompers, where's Will?"

Gompers turned to him, and Bill was shocked at how genuinely anxious the goat looked. "He took him..."

Bill looked down at him in puzzlement. "Who?"

"Kill Cipher."

Bill dropped the screwdriver in his hand, consumed with horror. "What?" He breathed. "How did he follow us here?"

"I don't think it was the Kill from your timeline," Gompers pointed out. "Most likely, the Kill from this timeline finally found William's location. It happened so fast and I was too late to stop it, but I think I can sniff out William's scent."

"How exactly?" Bill remarked.

"With this," Gompers squeezed his ball with his teeth, causing it to squeak loudly. "It was materialised by Will's magic, and I can track him down with this."

"Okay," The blond responded. "Lead the way, goat."

And that was exactly what Gompers did. The two ran marathons through the streets, until they were approaching an alleyway in the quieter part of the town. Well, it was almost quiet.

Bill and Gompers skidded to a halt, as a blast of red light stopped them in their tracks. It came from the alleyway, and a moment later, a man rocketed from the blast and slammed into the pavement. With clothes singed with burns and releasing tendrils of smoke, was William Cipher. The Blue Demon coughed weakly, barely able to stand up.

Before Bill could run to him, a familiar wicked laughter tainted his ears. Kill emerged from the wrecked alleyway, and lunged across the street to William. The Red Demon stood over him with a crooked smirk, then reached for his brother's throat. William released a whine, as Kill gripped him by the throat and effortlessly lifted him off his feet.

"As expected, Baby Blue didn't even put up a fight," Kill laughed. "Makes me wonder why Bill and Tad even had faith in you to begin with. You're nothing special." He tightened his grip, and William let what a strangled breath.

"Kill...please..." William begged. "We're brothers..."

For a blink of a second, Kill's expression softened. But a moment later, it hardened again, and his eyes pulsed brighter. "Bill was our brother too..."

He lifted William higher, and continued to strangle him, all while the blond watched in horror.

"My god, he's going to kill him!" Bill gasped.

Gompers stared at William gasping for air, his face was void of emotion. "Bill..."

"We gotta save him!" Bill declared.


The blond boy didn't pay attention to the goat, as he powered up the flame in his hand. It burned bright, and Bill prepared to launch it at Kill, when—

"Bill, I SAID STOP!" Gomper's demanding voice shouted in Bill's head, immediately catching his attention.

"What?" Bill questioned. What was this goat doing?

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