Society of the Blind Eye-Part Two

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Later, the group was walking their way to the junkyard. Before they left the shack, Wendy had offered to come with, and the redhead was currently walking alongside Mabel.

"It's really surprising that you came along, Wendy," Mabel said. "I thought you were hanging out with your friends today."

Wendy shrugged. "I was, but they kept playing this stupid song, and now it's stuck in my head. What is it called again? Blenchin? Belchin?"

"Straight Blanchin by Lil Big Dawg? I heard it's the catchiest song of the summer," Will replied.

"What is blanchin? Why doesn't the music industry make any sense!?" Wendy snapped.

"Discuss that later,Red," Bill said. "We have more important things to get to." He said, pointing to the entrance of the junkyard, that they had stepped in front of.

The group made their way inside the premises, moving around giant heaps of garbage. Eventually, they reached their destination. Before them, stood a little hut made out of an assortments of trash, standing in front of it, watering a garden that had straws in it instead of plants, was Fiddleford McGucket.

McGucket was humming to himself, when he spotted them. "Ah, I've been expecting ya," He smiled, putting down his watering can. "Welcome to my home."

"It's really nice," Mabel said. "But why is McSuckit graffitied on it?"

McGucket blinked, and turned around, and sure enough, McSuckit was graffitied on the side in big bright letters. "Dang it! Those salt licking, horseswaggling-!" He sighed deeply. "McSuckit, they got me good...Anyway, come on in."

They obliged, and followed him inside. The interior was cramped, and the walls were covered with old newspaper articles, and weird symbols. Fiddleford waddled to the center of the hut, giving the group a big smile.

"Nice of you to visit," He said. "Pull up some rusty metal! You're just in time for my hourly turf war with the hillbilly that lives in my mirror." He turned to a bucket and yelled at his reflection. "Quit starin' at me when I bathe!"

The group exchanged awkward glances, before Dipper stepped forward with a serious expression. "Actually, Fiddleford, we are in dire need of your help."

Fiddleford looked up at him curiously. "What seems to be the problem?"

Dipper took a deep breath, before saying. "Fiddleford, we were hoping you would know something about the disappearance of Stanford Pines, or where he might be now." 

Fiddleford's expression immediately darkened. He frowned, as he scratched his head under his hat. "I'm sorry, but I can't help you."

"What do you mean?" Bill snapped. "Aren't you this all-knowing prophet?"

"I can't control what I see," McGucket replied. "Also, every time I try to remember something, my head gets all fuzzy. Even if I do know anything about what happened to Stanford, I don't think I'll be able to remember."

"I see," Dipper responded, with a sad expression. "I'm sorry for bothering you."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help," Fiddleford replied. "Stanford was a great man, I can relate to how devastated you must feel when he disappeared."

Bill gritted his teeth in frustration. "Come on! You have to know something!" He yelled at the old man.

The group looked at him in surprise. Dipper held a look of concern. "Bill, it's quite alright."

"No, it's not!" Bill snapped. "I—we need to find Sixer!"

"Fiddleford already said he doesn't know anything," Will told him, sharing Dipper's concern. "Why are you suddenly angry?"

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