The Last Mabelcorn-Part Three

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A/N: finally finished this!

Seconds later, the helmet was fitted on Bill's head, and he was strapped to the computers. Bill shot a skeptical look in Ford's direction, who was busy typing in the control panel.

"So let me get this straight," Bill said, trying to ignore how uncomfortable the helmet felt. "You're just going to check inside my brain and nothing else?"

"Yes," Ford replied, not turning away from the panel.

"And you're sure this isn't going to fry my brains out?"

Ford snorted. "As if I'd be that lucky."

"Ford," Tad chastised, and the Guardian silenced.

Dipper casted a concerned look towards the device fitted on the blond's head. "I'm surprised you'd even agree to something like this, Bill."

Bill fidgeted his sleeve nervously.

Dipper grimaced. "What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something," Bill started, looking at his feet. "Last night...he came to visit me in a dream."

"What?" Dipper breathed, and Tad shared his surprise.

"I knew it," Ford quipped. "Last night, I had a feeling something was wrong."

"I can't believe it," Dipper said, running his hand through his hair. "What did he say?"

"Oh, it was the usual supervillain monologue; threatening everything I hold dear," Bill replied.

"Take this seriously!" Dipper snapped. "What are we supposed to do—"

"That's what I'm going to figure out," Ford interrupted, moving away from the panel. "We can't kill Bill, that would just restart the cycle—"

"Aww, you do care," Bill teased.

Ford ignored him. "—so the best thing we can do is stall the Demon before he emerges. Which means finding him first."

"And, you're really okay with this?" Dipper questioned Bill. "Last time someone rummaged through your mind, it caused an utter disaster."

Of course, Bill wasn't okay with it. The last thing he wanted was Ford peering into his head...but Ford's solution sounded a lot more appealing than Tad's.

"I'll be okay," Bill told him. "And this isn't the first time you've seen the inside of my head."

"Oh, Dipper and Tad won't be here when I turn on the device," Ford said suddenly. "This is extremely delicate work, and I won't have any distractions."

Bill stared at him. "There's no way in hell I'm staying in a room alone with you!"

"You're just going to hurt him," Dipper accused his uncle.

"Relax, both of you," Tad said, in an even voice. "Ford is correct. He needs to be here to stabilise the machine in case it goes haywire, which requires no distractions. I'm sure Ford will push his grievances aside considering the severity of the situation. Right, darling?"

Tad's little nickname for the Guardian lacked sweetness this time, replaced by a hard sternness. Ford cleared his throat, before nodding curtly.

"Right," the old man said.

Tad nodded back, before guiding Dipper towards the exit. Before he stepped out, Dipper casted one worrying look in Bill's direction, as the blond could only stare helplessly back.


Meanwhile, Mabel was walking on the sidewalk in town. The Heart Guardian was holding a list in her hands.

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