Little Gift Shop of Horrors-Part Two

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"So, what is it?" Will asked.

"I don't know, Pine Tree just dropped it here and yelled don't touch it!, and then left," Bill replied. "So obviously, the only logical option, is to touch it."

"Bill no, it's look poisonous!"

"It's in a jar, it can't hurt me," Bill remarked. "Now, grab a stick from outside, I wanna poke it and see what kind of ooze comes out."

Before Will could reply, the front door swung open. Mabel burst into the kitchen where the Cipher twins were standing, she was covered in bright patches of glitter. Waddles was hovering beside her, in his small size, also covered in glitter.

"Man, nothing like rolling in a pile of glitter glue to brighten your morning," Mabel grinned. "Sure, there's a ninety percent chance of pink-eye, but that just adds to the experience."

"Hey, Shooting Star," Bill greeted.

"Hey guys, what kinda wacky adventures awaits you today?"

"We're staring at this thing, apparently," Will said, pointing at the object on the counter before them.

A jar stood on the counter, inside the jar, was something peculiar. It was a weird looking mushroom, it was bright purple and had a sparkly surface, the top of it was shaped like a brain.

Mabel awed at it. "Oooh, pretty! Can I touch it?"

"No, Dipper said we shouldn't touch it," Will reminded. "Whatever it is, it looks dangerous."

"Good point, brother," Bill mused, nodding curtly. "However, counterpoint; it's a mystical glowing mushroom, we gotta touch it."

"I agree with Bill's statement!" Mabel declared.

"This is the worst idea imaginable, but I'm powerless in this position," Will said, in defeat. "Do what you want."

"Yay!" Mabel celebrated, while Bill reached for the jar.

The blond attempted to open it, but his hands strained when he couldn't do it. After a couple of seconds, he gave up. "Dang it, this thing is sealed tight."

"Let me try, you mortals have weak upper body strength," Mabel said, taking the jar from him, and tried to open it. There was the same result. "Oh, come on."

"It seems that Dipper put some kind of charm on it," Will concluded. "I guess you can't touch that mushroom after all—"

"Mabel Power!" The Guardian screamed, before glowing energy surged through her hands, and turned the jar into sparking dust. "There we go."

"Aw man," Will said.

Mabel was now holding the mushroom in her hand, both Bill and her closely observed it.

"It's even prettier up close," Mabel smiled.

"See Will? It's not dangerous," Bill said.

"Okay, you were right," Will remarked. "But can you put that thing back in a jar, before Dipper comes back?"

"Sure, sure," Mabel told him, still gazing at the mushroom. "Just let me—"

"Oink!" Waddles squealed, before swooping up, and eating the mushroom in one bite.

"WADDLES, NO!" Mabel screamed, in horror.

"Oh yeah, the pig was here," Bill remembered.

"We don't know what that mushroom does! It could make him sick!" Mabel stressed.

"It's okay, Mabel," Will reassured her. "I read somewhere that mushrooms are safe for pigs."

"Including glowing ones shaped like brains!?"

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