Blendin's Game-Part Four

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"Will? Will!"

"Bill, calm down," Mason eased.

"Calm down?" Bill snapped. "Look at him! He's fading away!"

They were in Mason's bedroom. Laying on the kingsized bed, was Will Ciphers. The blue haired boy was not looking so good. His hand was almost completely transparent and began creeping to his wrist. Will's expression was agitated, he screwed his eyes shut and groaned softly under his breath. Bill had been screaming to him for a full minute, but no matter how hard he tried, his brother wouldn't respond to him.

"I know, I'll try all I can to fix this," Mason told him. "But I think it's best if you leave the room for a few minutes—"

"I'm not leaving him!"

"Please, Bill," The man said softly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Just for a few minutes, he's in good hands, I promise."

Bill wanted to refuse, he'd glue himself to the bedsheets if it meant not leaving his brother's side. But he knew Mason was a capable man, it also didn't help that he looked like Dipper and that made it hard not to trust him. Bill sighed.

"Fine," Bill said, and he swiftly left the room.

He strolled into the lounging area and tried to calm down. It took most of his willpower not to scream and burn everything. A voice chirped up behind him, one that didn't help with his stress.

"I warned you."

"Shut up," Bill muttered, under his breath.

Gompers furrowed his brow. "If you had just—"

"I get it! I messed up!" Bill screamed, furiously turning to him. "This is all my fault! Don't you think I'm aware of that fact!? Instead of standing around and lecturing me, tell me how I can fix this!"

The goat looked at him mournfully. "There is little we can do now, Bill. You disrupted a Demon's reincarnation, the only way to fix this is to...kill William."

The blond shook his head. "No, we're not doing that. There has to be another way, a way for us to save both of them."

"That is impossible," Gompers said. "There is nothing that can stop a Demon's reincarnation."

"That's not true," Bill retorted, remembering what he had witnessed in Fiddleford's memories. "There is always a way."

"Then how do you suppose we fix this?"

Bill thought hard, racking his brain for the answer. Suddenly his memory traced back to what good ol' Blinky said.

"A time wish," Bill said in realisation, catching the attention of Gompers.

"What?" He questioned.

"That time traveler guy, he mentioned that you get some kind of wish if you beat his crazy clock themed game," Bill reminded. "Don't you see, if we get that wish, we can save Will without hurting his past life."

Gompers stared at him then shook his head. "It won't work."

"Why?" Bill snapped.

"Because Time Magic and Demon Magic are poplar opposites," Gompers remarked. "Time Magic is orderly and precise while Demon Magic is chaotic and unruly, they simply do not mix. What makes you think a time wish can change the fundamentals of a demon reincarnation?"

"I'm willing to try anything," Bill insisted. He had to believe this would work, because it was the only option he had left. "Please Gompers, you have to help me find the guy and fix my mistake."

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