Northwest Mansion Mystery-Final

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Much later, the group stood before Preston and Priscilla Northwest, Mabel proudly holding the mirror that trapped the ghost.

"Well, Pacifica, you really found the right people for the job," Preston said. He snapped his fingers, and a butler came up and shook Mabel's hand. "We can't thank you enough....That's enough, now," Butler stopped shaking her hand.

"Just holding up our end of the deal," Mabel smiled. "We should probably get out of your hair now."

Pacifica blinked. "Wait, leaving already? You're at the world's best party, dummy."

"We'd loved to stay, but we have a Category Ten ghost to dispose of," Dipper pointed out.

"But, if you want, Pacifica," Mabel said, rather sheepishly, which was unlike her. "We could hang out another time...if you want?"

Pacifica gave her a soft smile. "I'd like that."

Mabel blushed, and rather awkwardly followed the rest of the group, as they walked out of the mansion. Later, they were all surrounding the mirror outside the manor, preparing to banish to the spirit.

"She said yes!" Mabel beamed. "I didn't actually expect her to consider it! I have to decide a hangout place for us, maybe a park? Or carnival? Or a puppy farm! Wait, do puppy farms exist—"

"Shooting Star, do you mind planning your date with Llama more quietly?" Bill interrupted. "We're kinda in the middle of something."

"Date?" Mabel repeated, surprised. "Oh no, it's not a date! I just...really like hanging out with her, that's all."

"For some reason," Bill added, jokingly.

"Haha," She deadpanned. "If you actually got to know Pacifica like I have, you'll know that she's not that bad."

Laughter suddenly echoed from the mirror. The group looked down at the object, as it laid on the grass.

"What are you laughing about, man? You're trapped," Bill snapped.

"You've been had!" The ghost guffawed, then looked to Mabel. "You remind me of me a hundred and fifty years ago."

"What do you mean?" Mabel asked, in confusion.

"Let me show you."

Inside the mirror's surface, the image of the ghost disappeared in a swirl of light. Later, it was replaced by a moving image of a forest filled with lumberjacks.

The ghost's voice narrated, as the mirror showed the vision of him when he was once alive. "One hundred and fifty years ago this day, I was a minor Forest Guardian. Northwests asked me and my brethren to build them a mansion atop the hill. We were told t'would be a service to the town, that once a year they would throw a grand party, and all would share in the bounty."

The mirror showed a smiling Northwest descendant shaking hands with the lumberjack. The vision cut to the montage of the lumberjacks building the mansion, and graves appearing left and right throughout the forest.

"It took years of backbreaking labor and sacrifice, but when it was time for the grand party they promised the common folk of the town, they refused to let us in."

The vision showed the lumberjacks making their way into the manor, but were stopped by the Northwest. They were laughed at by the rich guests, before the gate slammed close on them. The rest of the lumberjacks walked away solemnly, while the Forest Guardian bared his teeth in rage.

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