Part 17:- Her past Memories

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"I was always shy kind of a person

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"I was always shy kind of a person. In childhood, I had a lot of friends but as we grew up, things started to change, my friends started to drift apart as their moms said they should not spend their time with a person like me who didn't have a mother. They were sure I would have loose morals, they feared if I will spoil their daughters. "

Rishi squeezed her hand in his. It's traumatic for a child to be left out like that just because they are a little different from other children. He looked at her to find her looking at a distant with sadness in her eyes. He felt helpless, only if he could take away her pain.

"Initially, I used to cry out in frustration but slowly and gradually I became used to it. I was used to classmates coming to me for my notes and help in their studies and the next day they would deny even recognizing me. they would be busy with their groups and hell lot of friends. I was envious of all of them, they had so many friends and I had none.
Time passed we entered college. I was determined that I will talk to everyone and will make a lot of friends, with whom I will go for trips, I will click pictures with them, I will eat with them and do all the stuff friends did together. In starting, I did talk to people but with time they too left, I was again left disheartened. Papa tried his best to cheer me up but at that time I just wanted to fit in the social rules. I tried to change my talking style, my looks, and everything where I felt that maybe I am a little less but nothing worked.
You know Rishi what hurts? When everyone ignores you but you don't know the reason for it.
When nothing worked, I accepted the harsh reality. I was again only notes providing Machine. I was again alone in between so many people."

Rishi turned his body towards her, her eyes were dripping, probably Rishi could never feel how it was to be left alone as he was always surrounded by his family and friends. He was always loved. Listening to her, he felt grateful for the love he received. The same love did make him feel frustrated sometimes but now he heard her desiring for such love, he realized he was living her dream.
He wrapped his both hands around her and pulled her closer. He knew she would not like sympathy, what she needed the most at the time was someone listening to her words. She wanted someone to just listen to her. She didn't want anyone's advice. She wanted someone to just be with her. He exactly did that, he let her continue without saying a word. He just held her tightly, telling her he is with her.

"A year and a half passed in a jiffy,  as usual, I was sitting in the canteen with my Book, my books were the only companion who didn't turn their back at me. I was in mid of an interesting chapter where the villain of the story was going to be revealed but there came a boy, a boy who I have never seen. He sat opposite me. "Hey! " He said flashing a smile. I was surprised. Thinking it to be one of the dares of their truth and dare game I thought to ignore him. But he took my book, "her sister is going to turn out the real villain" He closed the book, keeping it on my bag. I glared at him annoyed for spoiling the suspense but he sat there flashing his dimples as if he did a great job.

I kept the book in my bag and decided to search for another place to sit but he jumped in front of me, blocking my way, " You are beautiful! " Nobody really had complimented me except my father and teachers for academics, it was new for me. I felt good. I was very happy that someone found me beautiful. His opinion about my skin mattered to me but why? I didn't have an answer. For that day I went to another place. But from that day on, he started coming in front of me more frequently, he would compliment me, try to talk to me, he would put in every effort to make me talk to him. As this continued for more than a few weeks, I believed he genuinely wanted to be my friend, he wanted to talk to me, he was interested in me. His opinions about me mattered a lot to me. I would listen to each and every word very carefully. He was my friend, Sameer Raheja. "

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