Chapter 57

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When I finally came to, I realized that I was no longer leaning against Roman and instead was laying down in the center of our bed, naked. The soft duvet was the only thing covering my skin as distinct voices mumbled in the background.

I went to feel my forehead but was stopped as a warm hand gently grasped onto my wrist to stop me, my body immediately relaxing as the tingles erupted along my skin.

My eyebrows furrowed before I gently opened my eyes. I looked to my right and Roman was sitting right next to me, gently stroking the top of my head as he looked down at me with worry, "You have to leave that on your forehead baby, it's helping your fever." Roman whispered before leaning down and gently laying a kiss on the tip of my nose.

That's when I realized that the thing on my forehead was a cold towel as the drastic change in temperature caused me to furrow my eyebrows, a small shiver running down across my skin.

"Glad to see you're finally waking up." Another voice cheerfully announced. My eyes followed the voice until they landed on Doctor Terrance, the same man who had treated me in the ER when I had gotten hexed. He had a small smile on his face as he looked between me and the clipboard that he was holding in his hands.

He took a step forward, hesitantly glancing at Roman as his eyes were already following his every move in a predatory way. A weary smile came to my lips before I reached up and gently placed my hand on Roman's warm jaw, turning his attention towards me once again.

Dr. Terrance gently cleared his throat before he began to speak, "I believe your fever is nothing to worry about, all your vitals and the pups' vitals look strong and healthy. There seems to be no relapse when it comes to the hex either." He said with a smile as he read from his notes on the clipboard.

"What do you think caused it?" Roman asked, turning towards the doctor once more. His hand rested on top of mine as he gently squeezed it.

Dr. Terrance grinned before sharing the news, "I believe the fever has to do with the fact that Addalyn will be giving birth soon. Her body is beginning to prepare and since she is only half wolf, it is having some effects on her but there should be nothing to worry about."

A bright smiled graced my lips as my hand immediately came down to caress my stomach. I looked up at Roman and gaged his reaction as his eyes lit up, a shocked look covering his face. He immediately looked down at me, a lopsided smiling curving on his lips.

"No way!" He softly whispered, his white teeth on display as his eyes crinkled with joy. I gently laughed as he bent down and began to pepper small kisses all over my face in happiness.

"I'll call for a nurse to come pay a visit to see if Adalyn happens to be dilated at all. That way we can get a sense of how close her delivery may be." the doctor said with a smile.

I nodded my head, Roman and I thanking him before he began to head out the door. Before he could fully leave, he stopped in the doorway and turned towards us, "And remember Adalyn same rules as before, complete bed rest. No walking!" He said with a pointed stare, and I held my hands up in surrender.

He then left, the door closing behind him as Roman and I were left alone with the surprising news that I was going to be giving birth soon.

Before I could even get the chance to say something, Roman was softly placing his fingertips along the base of my neck, the soft look of adoration on his features rendering me speechless. The crystal blue in his eyes seemed to be clearer than usual as a small smile couldn't help but pull at his plump lips before he leaned down and ghosted his lips against mine.

"I would bear the weight of the world for the rest of my life, fight every battle over and over again if it means I get to keep your heart as mine for the rest of eternity." His soft voice surprised me as his lips gently brushed against mine, our eyes locked in a deep stare of vulnerability.

I leaned towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck, his warm embrace causing every nerve to fire into overdrive as I softly uttered to him, "I am and will always be yours, from now until the end of time."

With that final confession, Roman softly traced his lips against my own before leaning in and kissing me softly.

He gently pulled away with a look of satisfaction before he looked at me with gentle eyes, "I hate to leave but I have to go tend to an issue at our border." He mumbled before fully sitting up, some of his warmth leaving me.

I frowned at him and attempted to sit up, but a slight wince left my lips as my body ached all over like I was hit repetitively by a bowling ball.

"Hey, lay down baby." Roman quickly ushered out before his warm palms made contact with my skin to keep my body flat on the bed, "I promise I'll be back as soon as possible, you know I wouldn't leave unless it was important." He assured, the tip of his finger coming down to gently swipe at my brow bone to ease the tension stored there.

I reached up and took his face in my hands as I looked at him softly, "promise you'll be back soon?" I asked in a soft voice.

He smiled before leaning down and kissing me, "I promise baby." With that he gently pulled away before leaning down and gently kissing my cheek, his large frame coming to his full intimidating height as he stood up from the side of the bed.

Before he left the room, he helped me get dressed in a simple white sundress that was comfortable enough for me to lay in as I felt weird being naked by myself. I watched as he left, the door softly closing as I was left alone in silence.

My hand absentmindedly began stroking my stomach as I was now the size of what seemed like a watermelons. I don't know how my body has managed to support this much weight but I'm grateful it has as it has given me the opportunity to grow life inside me.

My eyebrows furrowed as a feeling of doom seemed to settle in an unknown spot deep in my chest. I sat up, against the heavy protest of my body as adrenaline began to unknowingly pump through my veins, my hands becoming clammy with nervousness.


I called into our mind link, my breathing becoming heavier as there was not an immediate response from him. A few minutes passed as I listened to any and every small noise in awareness until one single word made me get up without question:


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