Chapter 52

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I couldn't remember exactly when I fell back asleep but before I knew it I could hear a loud beeping next to me as it followed in the rhythm of my heart. My eyelids felt so heavy that I didn't know if I could even open them.

I was at mercy to the darkness and all I could do was sit there and listen.

I heard a little shuffling around as both of my hands were gripped tightly in the palms of others. I could immediately tell my left hand was held by Roman's as the familiar tingles and burning sensation covered my skin, his large palm overtaking my small one.

I couldn't exactly figure out who was holding my right one so I just gently listened.

"Alpha Roman." A deep voice said as the sound of several footsteps echoed into the room.

"She was hexed." He said, the room turning into an eerie silence as even I could feel the tension in the room.

There were several gasps as I could hear someone begin to gently cry in the corner of the room.

"What the fuck do you mean she was hexed?" Roman growled, his hand tightening around mine.

"One of our pack witches sensed it as soon as she came into the hospital. Someone made a spell to cause an abortion, to harm your pups. But luckily she was able to reverse it before it caused any permanent damage." The doctor said.

I could hear Roman's deep breathes as he tried to calm himself down.

"What do you mean someone tried to hex my daughter in law and grandpups?" A female voice roared and I could immediately tell it was Roman's mom.

I could hear the sharp click of her heels as she paced back and forth.

"I swear to the moon goddess I will rip their head off if I ever see them!" She growled.

"The good news is her heart and brain do not seem to have any damage from the few seconds without air and pumping blood. The pups look strong as we were able to locate five heartbeats." The doctor said as several gasps were heard.

I could feel Roman lean up and gently kiss my forehead as a sad laugh left his lips.

"You hear that baby? We're having five pups." He said, his voice gently cracking at the end as he placed his lips on to mine.

Five babies.

Five diapers.

Five creatures biting on my boobs.

I couldn't wait.

"When will she wake up?" Roman asked, sitting back down on the chair as he grabbed my hand once again.

"We're optimistic that she should wake up within the next hour but we can never be too sure." He hummed.

"Thank you doctor." Romans mom said as his footsteps echoed out of the room.

I tried to tighten my hands and a large gasp was heard from my right as I squeezed the hand.

"She just squeezed my hand!" Sasha cried.

"Come on baby, wake up." Roman mumbled, the bed dipping as he sat next to me.

I used all my strength to force my eyes open as a bright light immediately blinded me, my eyes quickly shutting once again before I forced them open.

Roman's smiling face was the first thing to greet my eyes as he leaned in and kissed my lips passionately. I smiled and kissed him back before he pulled away and left a kiss on my forehead.

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