Chapter 13

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I grunted as Mia helped me carry Elijah's limp body to our room. I let out a sigh of relief as she opened the bedroom door and we walked in, placing him on the floor.

"What now?" I asked taking deep breaths. I wasn't that strong and I barely went to the gym so that was a lot for me, I don't think I can lift him up anymore.

"Now we put him in bed. We strip him of his clothes and when he wakes up tomorrow he will think you guys did it so that he won't pressure you again. His memory should be foggy because I hit him good." She chuckled looking at his lifeless body.

"Tell him that you guys got home, you drank a lot and then went to bed together. He shouldn't remember much so you should be in the clear." She mumbled.

I watched her use all of her strength one last time as she lifted him up into the bed and began to strip him of his clothes.

"Now go to the kitchen and place cups with some alcohol or something, set the scene." She smirked.

I nodded with a smile and went to the kitchen following her instructions. I grabbed two glasses and some wine out of the fridge, pouring a little bit in each cup. I picked up one of the glasses and placed my lips on the rim to make it appear as if I took a sip from it as my lipstick left imprints. I repeated this a few times so that it looked a little sloppy.

I then took the bottle and poured the rest of it down the sink until it was empty. I placed the glass bottle on the counter and took a deep breath leaning my hands on the counter. I closed my eyes and hung my head down, thanking god that Mia showed up when she did.

I don't know if I can do it Roman. I whispered into our mind link.

Baby, I promise everything will be okay. I know you can do it, it's only for a little while.

Just hearing his voice helped calm my nerves and I focused on his voice and the comfort it brought me.

I promise that when you see me again, I will bring you home and we can just lay in bed, together.

I giggled and nodded my head.

That sounds like a plan. I smiled.

"Alpha, everything is taken care of." I opened my eyes and put my head up seeing Mia walk out of the hallway, dusting her hands off.

"I feel bad for whoever his wife will be. Won't be getting no satisfaction from him." She mumbled. I laughed and walked over to her.

I caught her off guard as I hugged her but she was quick to respond by place her arms around me.

"Thank you so much Mia." I whispered gently squeezing her.

"Of course Alpha." She responded.

She walked to the back door and opened it taking a step outside.

"We will be in the backyard watching you all night. If you need anything and we mean anything at all, whether its a buddy or a protector, just mind link us and we will be there at the speed of light." She smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled.

She nodded her head and closed the door behind her. I watched her through the window as she got down on all fours and turned into a wolf. She went behind a bush and from here i could see three little puppy heads pop up, out of the bush. I chuckled and walked away from the door going to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom was marble counters and stoned floors. I hissed lightly as my feet made contact with the cold floor but I ventured over to the bathtub and turned on the hot water allowing the tub to fill.

Before I took off my clothes I walked to the door and made sure it was locked. I looked in the mirror and sighed before I began to strip from my dress and take off my undergarments. I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed.

You're so beautiful.

I squealed as I quickly turned away from the mirror, blocking Roman's view of my body.

Heyyy, I was enjoying the view.

He whined. I rolled my eyes and giggled, sauntering over to the bath and dipping my body in the warm water.

Well the view isn't for free darling.

I hummed closing my eyes and allowing my body to relax.

Oh really? Do I need to work for it? Do I need to be a good boy?

He asked. Even though I couldn't see him I knew there was a smirk on his lips.

Yes you do and I know you Roman. You're a very bad boy.

I played along with him even though I had never talked dirty to anyone in my whole life.

I can be good, but only for you.

He panted.

Roman, I know you're not panting just because of my words. Take your hand out of your pants.

I giggled. I could hear him groan and I was about to say something else but I heard something from down the hall. I sat up and looked towards the door. My heart started beating as I noticed it was opened. I know for a fucking fact that I closed and locked it.

My heart sped up when I heard another bang from the hallway.

Roman call Mia, call Mia please.

I pleaded hugging my hands to my body.

I just did, what's wrong?

"Alpha!" Mia's voice rang through the house as she soon appeared in the doorway.

"What's wrong are you alright?" She asked.

"Please go look and see if Elijah is still in bed." I gulped.

Baby, what happened?

I don't know I heard something and then when I looked the door was wide open.

Mia came back and nodded her head telling me he was still sound asleep in the place she left him.

"I heard something and someone opened the fucking door." I cried out.

"Shh it's okay." She said grabbing a towel from the rack.

She stood in front of the tub and held it open for me, closing her eyes and looking away.

I thanked her as I stood up and stepped out of the bathtub, wrapping the towel around my body.

"How about I get you to bed? You deserve some beauty sleep." She smiled. I could see it in her eyes that she was worried but she quickly went to the bedroom getting me clothes that I quickly changed in to.

She led me to the bed, making a pillow barrier between Elijah's side of the bed and mine. She helped me into bed and I sighed as my head made contact with the pillow.

"Get a good nights sleep okay?" She smiled and left the room, turning of the lights.

I covered myself with the comforter and closed my eyes.

Goodnight baby girl.


The First BornOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara