Chapter 41

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I sat on the edge of the bed in nothing but Roman's black shirt as his scent engulfed my senses. I gently towel dried my long wet hair as I watched Roman put on a pair of grey sweatpants that hugged his broad hips. I bit my bottom lip, enjoying the view as my eyes soaked up his glorious muscles underneath the tan skin.

My eyes ran over the small tattoo on his rib as he lifted a towel up to his hair to try and dry the thick mess.

"What is that tattoo of?" I asked leaning back on my hands as I placed my towel next to me, my hair dry enough to my liking.

"It's a wolf, every pack member has one." He said walking over to me and leaning over my body as he placed his hands on either side of me on the bed.

I looked up at him and a small smile worked it's way on to my lips.

"Does that mean I can get one?" I asked leaning up so that my lips barely grazed his.

His lips tugged up into a smile as he looked at me with happiness in his eyes, a calming peace surrounding us.

"It does." He murmured moving his head down slightly so that our lips softly connected together.

He pulled away and I brought my hand up to his side, tracing over the small wolf that was inked on to his upper ribs.

"I think I'm going to go for a run. My wolf is still not happy." He sighed standing up fully.

I could tell he was still stressed out as his muscles were still tightly tensed, even with my soothing touch they wouldn't relax. He was constantly on edge.

"You can go to bed though, I know you're exhausted." He said walking to his closet to grab a shirt, knowing that I wasn't too keen on other females seeing him shirtless.

"Can I come? I wanna see your wolf." I timidly asked, my fingers playing with each other in my lap.

In all honesty I didn't want to be alone right now. I felt violated in so many ways and the only way I felt comfortable with myself was when I was with Roman. I felt like something of mine was taken from me and he had the ability to make me feel better.

He turned and gave me a soft look, nodding his head as he held his hand out for me to take. I jumped up and grabbed on to his hand, his warmth transferring to mine. We walked the short journey downstairs as we walked out the back door and towards the forest.

We stayed in the open field as Roman began to strip from his clothes. I couldn't help myself as I traced my lips with my finger, enjoying the view of his perfect body.

He turned and looked at me as a smug smile made its way to his lips.

"Keep your eyes to yourself, little mate." He said, pretending to scowl at me.

I only laughed in response as I looked up at the sky and noticed how bright the stars were. I heard the sound of bones cracking and when I looked back down there was a large black wolf stretching in front of me.

My breath got caught in my throat as I got down on my knees and watched as the wolf slowly approached me. I looked into the crystal blue eyes and felt myself relax as the familiar glint was held inside of them.

The wolf got close enough to the point where it's snout touched my nose, gently as it nuzzled its face against my cheek affectionately. I reached my hands up and gently ran my fingers through the soft fur as it let out a soft purring sound.

"I didn't know the big bad Alpha purred." I teased as I smiled wide.

The wolf narrowed his eyes at me as he let out a small growl.

"I'm so scared." I cooed in a monotone voice as I reached forward and left a small kiss on the side of the wolf's face causing it to close its eyes.

The wolf's ears suddenly perked up as its eyes shot open, turning towards the forest as it studied the trees. It protectively shielded my body as it gently growled, showing its canines.

I jumped gently as a squirrel jumped from the trees and booked it across the field to another tree. I snorted and stroked the wolf's fur as it relaxed and turned towards me.

"So brave." I cooed, reaching up and scratching behind his ears.

The wolf's eyes closed once again as he stuck out his tongue and gently panted. My face grimaced as the wolf reached forward and licked my face leaving a trail of saliva on my skin.

"Roman!" I groaned with a smile as I wiped away the spit.

The wolf just smiled wider as it's tail wagged in excitement. I stood up and the wolf came up almost past my chest as he rubbed against me, stalking me in circles.

I began to walk back towards the porch as the wolf stayed where he was pushing his butt up in the air as his tail wagged back and forth in a playful way. As I continued walking I turned around just in time to see him pounce forward, bouncing on his paws as he pushed into my legs, his snout pressing against my skin.

I giggled and ran my fingers through his fur as I stopped and sat down closer to the porch. I giggled gently as the wolf sniffed my body, shoving his nose in my hair which caused me to push him away with a smile.

I laid down and gently shivered as the cold air got to me. Roman laid down and placed his head on my stomach as he gently licked it through my shirt.

"I can't wait to meet our pup." I sighed reaching down and softly petting the top of the wolf's head.


Roman's voice filled my head and my eyebrows furrowed.


Pups, not pup.

My eyes widened and I looked down at the wolf to see him already looking up at me.

Pups? As in more than one?

Yep. With all the dirty things we do there's no way there's one pup. Since I have the Alpha gene, multiple pups are born in one birth.

My poor vagina.

I pouted out my lips and rubbed my belly. Even though having more than one pup was a lot, I was excited. We were growing our family and I was going to give birth to the future Alpha of our pack.

The wolf stood up and walked a few feet away before I heard the sound of bones cracking once again. I closed my eyes as I did not want to see the formation of him turning back to a human.

When I opened my eyes again, Roman stood there in his full naked glory as he walked to the porch and grabbed his clothes before laying down next to me.

I reached over and grabbed on to his hand and held it tightly in my own as we gazed up at the stars.

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