Chapter 8

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My hands were shaking slightly as I put the letter back into the envelope and stuffed it in my pocket. I continued to look through the chest for anything more but the only thing I could find was a picture of my father and a woman who was definitely not my mother.

I flipped the picture over and right there written on the back was, 'Jared Miller and Lilian Ferron'.

I was trying to make sense of all of this. Did my father cheat on my mother? I took a shaky breath and stood up, tucking the picture in my pocket next to the letter. I closed the chest and went back to my room grabbing my two bags and making my way downstairs. It was 1:58 and it was almost time to meet Roman.

I took one last look at the house and left through my back door, making my way towards the wall. I continued walking through the forest until I got close enough to the wall.

As the wall got closer I froze in my spot and dropped my bags.

Where in the hell was the hole?

My hands began to tremble as I noticed the white piece of paper taped to the wall. I marched over and ripped it off as I read it.

'This is your home. Remember these woods are dangerous.'

I started to hyperventilate as I paced back and forth, crumbling the note in my hand and throwing it at the ground. I felt like I was going to scream. I stopped dead in my tracks as the most menacing and furious growl shook the ground.

From the other side of the wall I could hear scratching as several other growls followed behind it.


"Roman!" I called out. The scratching stopped momentarily before the sound of bones breaking was heard.

"Addy, baby are you okay?" His voice was rough and deep as I placed my hands against the wall.

"Yes. Where is the hole?" I cried banging my fists on it.

"Stop you're going to hurt yourself!" He yelled.

My vision started to blur as tears streamed down my face.

"Baby, don't cry. I promise I'm going to get you out of here." His voice softened.

"I just want you." I sobbed.

"I know baby. I don't know how but that fucking prick Monara must have found out."

"Roman I have to tell you something." I whispered. I never told him about Monara threatening me the other day.

"The other day after I left, Monara came to my house and he threatened me. I don't know how but he knows." I cried.

"Adalyn! Why the fuck didn't you tell me? I would have gotten you out of there sooner!" He growled.

"I'm sorry!" I covered my face with my hands as I tried to wipe away my tears. He took a deep breath and we sat in silence, separated by the wall.

"I have a few of my pack members inside the city, one is a warrior and I'll mind link her to come get you. We have another exit near the northern wall of the city and she'll take you there. I'll be waiting there for you." He said.

"Roman, I'm sorry." I mumbled, gently sniffing my noise.

"It's okay baby. We can't do anything about the past, we just have to focus on the future. But I swear to god once I get inside this city I'm going to murder him with my own hands." He growled.

"Roman I have something else to tell you." I heard him sigh deeply as he gently groaned.


"I'm a first born child."

"Addy, you have to listen to me. I didn't want to tell you earlier but I know what the prophecy says. I had one of my pack members look for it once you showed me the book. It says that the alpha of wolves, me, will find his mate, you, a first born child who will be the cause of Monara's fall. That's why I wanted to get you out of here today. I wanted to protect you."

I started to hyperventilate once again as I paced back and forth.

"Addy, you have to calm down baby."

"What does he want with me? How am I going to be the key factor in this? I- I-"

"Adalyn! Stop. Listen to me. My warrior is on her way. Her name is Berlin and she will protect you. You have to stay calm and you can't let Monara know that you know. Act like everything is normal and as much as it kills me you have to go to the bonding ceremony tonight. If you don't he will know something is wrong and he will go looking for you."

"Roman, I can't. I can't do this without you!" I sobbed. I leaned my head against the wall, trying to calm myself down.

"Yes you can Addy, you won't be alone. I will be with you every step of the way." He said.

"How?" I mumbled.

Like this.

I jumped back as Roman's voice rang through my head.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked.

"All mates have the ability to mind link each other. Or in other words, we can talk to each other in our minds."

"What? How do I do it?"

"Just focus on me and close your eyes."

I did as he said and focused on Roman and his perfect face.


I knew you could do it He chuckled.

If you ever need me, call me through the mind link and I will always respond.


I took a deep breath but my heart started racing as a twig snapped behind me. I turned around so quick I almost got whiplash as a girl dressed in black made her way through the trees.

"Alpha!" She called bowing her head.

Is she talking to me?

Yes, you are the Alpha Female.

"I have commands from Alpha Roman to take you to the Northern exit." She said reaching me.

She was an absolutely gorgeous girl with long blonde hair and green eyes.

"Berlin, I expect you to protect your Alpha female with your life. If anything happens to her, it is on you. Am I understood?" Roman's deep voice came from the other side of the wall.

"Yes Alpha." She responded.

"Come on Alpha, I'll take you home and after tonight we will begin our journey to the Northern exit." She smiled reaching out her hand.

I took her hand but before we left I turned around and whispered to Roman.


"Goodbye, for now love."

The First Bornजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें