Chapter 53

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I gently hummed to myself as I scrolled through the list of channels, looking for something besides telemarketing ads, even a Hallmark movie would be fine.

I sighed and threw the remote to the side, settling on some sic-com as I stared out the hospital window, the sun shining through and leaving a warm glow throughout the room. Roman had left about three minutes ago to go get me some food from the cafeteria.

I had been craving chocolate pudding like crazy to the point where I thought I was going to start crying. Roman practically ran out of the room after I begged him to get me pudding for ten minutes straight. But of course he had to make a sex joke about how the reason we were in this situation is because I didn't know how to stop begging until I got what I wanted.

After a quick slap on the chest from me, he chuckled and left the room, leaving me to boredom. I blew out a huff of breath, reaching behind me and gathering my long brunette locks in my hands and pulling it up into a quick ponytail so it was out of my face.

I jumped as a loud crash was heard, a metal bowl falling to the ground as I watched it spin on its side for a few seconds before it settled on the floor.

"Roman?" I shakily called out, trying to see past the dark curtain as a shadow suddenly appeared from underneath it.

I could hear my heartbeat pick up on my monitor as I protectively grabbed on to my baby bump, feeling my pups gently kick inside.

"R-Roman?" I called out again but was only left with silence.

After a few minutes that shadow moved from behind the curtain. The familiar feminine face coming in to view as I gently gasped.

"...Mia?" I gently whispered.

She was focused on a syringe in her hand as she filled it with some vile from her pocket, gently tapping the bottom to get rid of any air bubbles as her dark eyes hardened on the syringe.

"Mia! What are you doing?" I yelled, backing up further into my bed as she only sparred me a glance before she continued to walk closer to me.

All of a sudden she stopped in her tracks, her hands immediately going up to cup her neck as if she was trying to remove someone's grasp. The syringe fell to the floor and shattered as the dark liquid began to pool on the once white floor.

I watched in horror as someone- or something choked her, her face slowly falling as she lost her breath.

Roman! Please hurry

I called into the mindlink, hoping he would come back quicker in case whatever this was stopped. I really didn't want to find out what was in her syringe.

My hands and body heavily shook as tears welled in my eyes. Her reflection in the mirror caught my attention as I let out a choked gasp, the familiar golden locks were displayed in the mirror as her green eyes were narrowed at Mia in hatred. Her hand tightly gripped Mia's neck with no sign of stopping as Mia flailed in her grasp, trying to free herself.

I could only see her in the mirror, if I tried to look at the scene I couldn't see her.

Heavy footsteps were heard from the hall as they frantically pounded against the hospital floor. The dark curtain was practically torn from its loops as Roman barged in the room, eyes frantically searching the room before his crystal eyes fell on me, making sure I was okay first. Next they landed on Mia and as they did she fell to the ground, gasping for air as her lungs burned from the oxygen deprivation.

"What the fuck?" Roman roared, his chest huffing up and down as he stared down at Mia.

The footsteps of others caught my attention as Rene and Berlin ran into the room, panic settled into their eyes until they noticed I was okay. They all visibly calmed down as the panic quickly turned into anger.

"Rene get her out of here. I want answers." Roman's deep voice growled as his voice shook with anger.

Rene grabbed Mia by her hair and pulled her up where Roman then bent down to her eye level, his eyes burning with an unknown flame as his wolf so desperately wanted to be freed to rip apart the person that threatened his mate.

"If you ever come near my mate again. I promise you I will rip you apart, one piece at a time." He said lowly, the authority in his voice causing a shiver to travel down my spine.

He stood up without another word as Rene grabbed on to Mia and made sure he had a grip on both of her hands. Berlin looked towards me once more, worry coating her eyes as she glanced me over, visibly checking for any injuries.

"I'm okay." I whispered, offering her a soft smile as she returned it, following Rene out of the room.

Roman was by my side in the next second as he sat down on the side of my bed, pulling me into his chest.

"What happened?" He mumbled, his thumb gently running circles on the bare skin of my back through the opening in my hospital gown.

"I don't know, she tried to stab me with a syringe but before she could you got here." I whispered back, closing my eyes as my head laid against his strong built chest.

He let out a sigh of relief, his body slightly relaxing the longer he held me.

"I want to take you home today. I can't trust you here when I'm not around." He said.

I nodded my head as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I want to go home anyway. I don't like it here." I gently pulled back until I could look up into his eyes.

His crystal blue orbs held a soft look in them while he stared down at me lovingly. His hand came up to gently cup my chin before he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, his lips moving down to connect with my own in a soft kiss.

"I love you." I whispered.

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