Chapter 15

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Elijah and I made our way through the church, sitting down in the third row to the left. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, praying to god. I was starting to think that the god I believed in and the god I heard about were two different people.

The god I believed in would love everyone, regardless if they were a wolf or a human or even both. I know in my heart that the god I prayed to would not let such beautiful creatures suffer while we flourish. We are the selfish beings believing that god only cared about us and not his other creations.

"Church is now in session!" Everyone quieted down as Monara stood at the front of the church, looking over the crowd of people.

"I see we have many new couples here. I see god has blessed you with love and I think I can speak for everyone when I say congratulations!" Everyone clapped and I looked down at my hands that sat in my lap.

I looked up and saw Monara was staring at me and I shuddered. I looked away and up at Elijah who looked down at me in response and gently smiled at me. I felt more comfortable around Elijah then Monara and that was what surprised me the most.

I looked at Monara's wrinkle free face and studied how he did not look nearly as old as he should. If I'm being completely honest he looked only a year or two older than Roman. There was no way he wasn't some type of creature himself.

His eyes snapped to mine and my heart began to beat out of my chest as he smirked at me.

"Now, let's all bow our heads and pray for the protection that has been bestowed upon us." His eyes would not leave mine. Everyone bowed their head but I refused to as I continued to stare at him.

This bastard would not control me anymore. He tilted his head at me, his eyes darkening.

I broke eye contact just to look around and noticed that everyone's head was bowed except for mine. I sighed and looked back up at Monara, keeping my head up.

"Dear heavenly father, we thank you for the protection and love you have bestowed upon us. You have guided us to problems in our city and we have successfully exterminated them, protecting our citizens. We thank you, Amen."

I gritted my teeth as I knew exactly what he was talking about. He wanted to keep me here and I couldn't figure out why.

Everyone said Amen and lifted their heads up.

Monara continued to preach but every so often he would look at me like he knew what I was hiding. Elijah reached over and grabbed my hand, holding it in his. I tried to stay calm as all I felt was disgust course through my body.

I looked up and Monara was looking down at mine and Elijah's hands like he was trying to burn a hole through them.

I rolled my eyes and church continued on. It was weird, I used to love going to church and listening to Father Monara preach but now I can't stand it. I felt like the hours dragged on, like I was here for a whole eternity.

I silently thanked god when Monara said that the service had ended and we were free to go home. Everyone stood up and began lining up to thank Father Monara.

I rolled my eyes and dragged Elijah out of there before he too lined up and started kissing his ass saying thank you and how grateful he was to Monara.

"Ready to go to Breakfast?" He asked as I dropped his hand.

"Yep." I murmured, getting in the car.

It was an awkward drive to the diner as we both sat in silence, neither of us making the effort to talk. I stared out the window and watched house after house go by. If I wasn't paying attention I would have thought we were on the same street, as the houses looked the exact same as one another.

We pulled up to the old looking diner and I hoped out walking up to the door and opening it. I walked in and immediately the smell of french fries and ice cream hit my nose and my mouth already started watering.

There was a sign that said 'Sit anywhere you'd like.' so I chose the booth in the corner of the diner as Elijah sat down across from me.

"Hello, welcome to Frank's Diner, can I get you started on anything to drink?" A red head girl asked placing down two menus in front of us.

"Just a water please." I mumbled looking down at the menu.

"I'll have coffee." Elijah said opening the menu and looking through it.

Alpha, go to the bathroom. There is a window in there that you can jump out of and we can go to the Northern Exit. One of our scouts up there said that the soldiers have now left as there was no more threat of wolves. sheesh what losers. Berlin said, mind linking me.

Okay, I'll be there in a minute.

"Hey, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." I said smiling. It was one of the most genuine smiles I have given him yet.

I was finally getting out of here.

I walked to the bathroom and looked around, noticing the high window on the right side of the bathroom. I went over and locked the door before I pushed the trash can in front of the window. It was the only way that I could get high enough to reach it.

I carefully climbed on top of the trash can and pushed open the window. I grunted out as I had to use a lot of strength to push it open. I let out a sigh of relief as I noticed there was just enough room for me to fit through it.

I jumped up, using my upper body strength to pull myself up on the small platform that lined the window. I pushed one leg through and then the other as I slowly pushed myself out.

"Alpha jump! We'll catch you." I heard Berlin call.

I closed my eyes and counted to three before I jumped out. Just like they promised, I landed in there arms and not on the floor.

I opened my eyes and noticed that both Berlin and Mark were here along with Mia.

"Thank god you guys came." I said, pulling them into a group hug.

They all returned the hug as we all laughed.

"We have to hurry up and go if we want to get out in time." Mark said beginning to walk to the parking lot.

"Alpha, I can't go. I have to stay in the city to keep an eye on Monara. But promise me you'll stay safe?" Mia said looking at me with a sad smile.

"Of course Mia, thank you so much for everything. Seriously." I whispered bringing her in for another hug. She returned it and squeezed me as we held each other for a few seconds before we separated.

"You stay safe as well!" I said pointing at her.

"You got it Alpha."

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