Chapter 29

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"What do you mean I'm home?" I scrunched my eyebrows, narrowing my gaze onto his pale face.

"This is your home, it always has been Adalyn." He smiled taking a step forward.

I sucked in a large breath, biting my lip as I cautiously watched his every move. I wouldn't let him get the best of me.

"Can I see my mom?" I asked, looking up at him.

He chuckled and nodded his head.

"Why of course you can. I would never dream of keeping you from your family." He said walking towards the door.

"Come along now." He motioned towards the door, standing by the door frame.

I shakily got up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed before I fully stood up. My body went rigid as he made me walk through the door before him.

"Now, it should be a short ride to your parents house." He murmured walking along side me in a large hallway, adorned with a crystal chandelier.

"Where are we?" I mumbled looking at my surroundings.

If I was being honest I was kind of creeped out. All along the walls were old medieval paintings, some of people holding hearts in their hands, blood gushing down their arms from the strained muscle. Others of people holding decapitated heads, blood dripping from their mouth.

I shuddered and looked away. It made me uncomfortable to no end and the eerie silence did not help one bit. The hallway was dark, the only light coming from the chandelier that hung above us. It wasn't as big or as fancy as the one in Roman and I's bedroom.

The hallway turned left and was met with a long staircase that split into two on each side which then led to the front door.

"Are we in the palace?" I asked gulping gently.

"We are." Monara chuckled taking a small side step closer to me. I grimaced and gently leaned the other way.

It was weird being in here considering I used to always imagine coming in here, living like a princess within these stone walls. But looking at the palace now, it does not reflect any of the ideas that I had as a kid.

He led me outside where we then got in a car, a driver already in the front seat.

"Father Monara." He bowed.

Monara didn't even acknowledge him as he held the door open for me allowing me to climb in.

Once I sat down he got in next to me, closing his door.

"Maddox, I believe you already know where we are headed." Monara hummed uninterested, glancing out the window.

"Yes father." His eyes caught mine as he looked in the mirror and I immediately looked away.

There was something very familiar in his eyes, but I couldn't exactly remember what. It was like I had seen him somewhere before but I just couldn't place my finger on it.

It was an awkwardly silent ride to my parents house as the only sound was the small clicks that would come every so often from the car every time the blinker was turned on. I was almost scared to breath, like I would disturb the peace.

I almost let out a breath of relief as Maddox pulled up to the familiar house where I spent most of my life living.

I didn't even give him the chance to park before I was opening the door and running towards the house, opening the door and calling out for my mom.

"Mom!" I called.

"Adalyn?" Her shocked voice came from the kitchen as she rushed out, quickly bringing me in her embrace.

I hugged her tightly, my arms wrapping around her fragile body. This is what I needed, a hug from my mother.

"How's it going, we haven't spoke since the bonding ceremony. I was beginning to become worried." She said, caressing my cheek with her small hand.

We both turned our heads towards the front door as Father Monara cleared his throat, causing us to pause our conversation.

"Father Monara! What a lovely surprise!" She said smiling. She walked over to him, taking his coat from him and hanging it up on the hook near the door.

"Well I just wanted to come visit my future mother in law." He chuckled.

The blood in my veins turned into ice as it felt like the world around me paused. What did he mean, future mother in law?

My mother was clearly as shocked as I was as she looked from Monara to me.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked taking a seat on the couch.

"Well this year we had an odd number of young adults, your daughter was sadly never chosen by anyone and it's coming to the point where I need children to pass the legacy on to. Now I never thought I would get anyone as sweet as your daughter." He smirked at my mom, glancing at me.

I felt bile begin to rise in my throat but with all of my might I fought to keep it down.

"Oh that's great news!" My mom said clasping her hands together.

"It will be like a royal wedding." He murmured looking me directly in the eyes.

I had to stop myself from physically shuddering before he turned his gaze towards my mother.

"Now will Adalyn have to give up her first born child?" My mother asked looking up at him.

"Why of course not! It will be our child and I am the one who collects the children anyway." He chuckled. He looked over at me, his eyes raking down my body before he looked back up into my eyes.

"Well that's great news." She smiled looking at me. I nodded my head, giving her the best fake smile that I could muster up.

Monara kept his eyes on me but I refused to make eye contact with him.

"Oh how rude of me! Let me get you two some tea." She mumbled standing up.

Monara and I were left in silence once again as my mother disappeared behind the door and into the kitchen.

"Adalyn honey, can you help me?" My mom called.

"Yeah." I replied walking to the kitchen.

As soon as I entered my mom grabbed onto my arm, pulling me into the pantry, closing the door behind us.

"Mom I-" She shushed me quickly as she pressed her ear up against the door, listening for anything.

"Look, we don't have much time but you need to know the truth. I know you have a werewolf for a mate."

My breath got caught in my throat as my eyes widened at her.

"I did too."

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