Chapter 28

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My hands continued to shake as I packed the bag that laid on the bed once again, this time Roman wouldn't be here to stop me. I was all on my own.

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, trying to calm myself down. Why was I being such a big baby? Why?

I sighed opening my eyes once again and continued to pack the bag. Once I knew I was done, I walked over to the small desk over in the corner that Roman would sit at and occasionally finish his work.

I sat down in the leather seat and grabbed a fresh piece of paper and a pen.


If you find this letter than that means that I'm already gone. I promise I'll be safe as long as you promise me the same thing. Please don't come looking for me for I don't need you or anyone else getting hurt.

I know what I'm doing so please have trust in me. I'm going back to protect you and my family.

I know that I can't have your children so Roman, do me a favor and please find someone that will love you nearly as much as I do and if you can, even more. Find someone who you will love unconditionally and will be able to have a family with, someone who can carry on your name. You deserve it.

I love you,


I took a deep breath, trying to control the tears that wanted to spill so desperately. I folded the paper in half and wrote his name on it, walking over to the bed and neatly placing it in the middle.

I read a book the other day that went more into detail about mates. Even though we could read each others mind and see each others vision, you could still block the other one from viewing it. I guess that's why this morning he couldn't read my mind. I was able to successfully block him.

I hated that I had to do that to him but I know that there was no other way. It would haunt him if he was able to see my vision. All I had to do was go to the city and live my life, just like before.

I grabbed the bag and walked downstairs. Evelyn waited by the door, a hand on her hip as she smirked.

"Ready to go dear?" She asked, her lips pulling upwards to form a wide grin.

"Yeah." I whispered. I glanced around and let out a sigh.

Goodbye Roman.

I whispered into the mind link. That would be the last thing he would hear from me.

"Great." Evelyn walked over to me, pushing my hair out of the way so she had a clear view of my neck.

"This will only hurt a tad, I promise." She smiled. I scrunched my eyebrows about to question her but before I could, she grew fangs and stabbed them into my throat.

I gasped out, choking on my own breath. My vision began to fill with stars before it completely turned black.


I shot up, gasping as I reached up and grabbed on to my throat. I could still feel the faint throb from where she punctured my skin.

I looked around me and my heart beat sped up as I noticed I was in an unfamiliar room. The walls were a dark red, almost black as the blinds were drawn making it almost pitch black in the room.

I laid in the center of a wide bed that had red satin sheets that complimented the dark oak bed frame.

Where the hell was I?

"I told you not to touch her!" A voice came from outside the door. I could see the light peaking through the bottom of the door as two shadows stood there bickering.

"There was no other way! If I had taken her and ran, Roman and his men would have found us in a heartbeat, you know that!" Another voice argued back. They argued back in forth in a low hushed whisper.

"I don't care, I told you I was supposed to be the first one to taste her blood." The voice growled.

I scrunched my eyebrows, pulling my knees up to my chest as I shuddered.

What did they mean taste my blood?

"Look Alexander, I was not about to risk my life just for your stupid obsession with this human girl!"

It was Monara. I gasped out but quickly covered my mouth when the voices became silent.

"Do you think she is awake?" One whispered.

"I don't know. She's been having nightmares for a few hours." Monara murmured.

"Well I don't care. I completed my mission, I should be able to have my reward now." The voice harshly whispered.

I could only assume it was Evelyn as it was the only logical explanation I could come up with.

"Fine, run back to Roman. But don't come crying to me when he doesn't accept you." He growled.

"That stupid potion worked when I first showed up so I'll just use it again!" Evelyn said.

So that's how she got Roman to be transfixed by her. She used a potion on him. But that doesn't make sense. How would she even get it to him?

"She's no longer wearing her cross necklace." Evelyn murmured.

"I know, I watched that beast pull it off."


A pair of footsteps echoed as they retreated down the hall until I could barely hear the patter of their feet.

I laid back down as the door knob began to turn. My heart was beating out of my chest as I closed my eyes and willed myself to calm down my erratic breathing.

The door opened and light poured in the room, casting dim shadows on everything visible to the light.

"Adalyn, are you awake?" Monara's voice filled the room and I could feel myself begin to shake.

The light to the room was turned on and I couldn't help but open my eyes.

"Ah, so you are awake." He murmured with a smile. I looked up into his brown eyes as I gently sat myself up on the bed once again.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Well darling, you're officially home."

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