[MOB] Fun Facts #2

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May contain spoilers. Would not recommend if not done with Volume 1.


Fun Fact 11 - Ken's Tastes

Ken is canonically a "boobs man". Given the option between boobs or butt, he would choose boobs. He likes slightly larger boobs (which is why he'll sometimes mention size), but appreciates all sizes. He also appreciates butts, but again, boobs reign supreme for him.


Fun Fact 12 - Official Booba Sizes

From smallest to largest:

Yui - Flat
Iris - Flat
Hel - Small
Lily - Small
Aoi - Medium
Erica - Medium
Bianca - Medium
Amber - Big
Irene - Big
Merlin - Big


Fun Fact 13 - Rose Valentine's Original Purpose

Rose Valentine was originally supposed to be a side character which would appear in the "OVAs" between the anime seasons, however the OVA idea was scrapped and Rose needed to be introduced in a different way, so I incorporated her as a classmate. She was an important addition needed, though many won't realize until later.


Fun Fact 14 - Ken falls in love!

Throughout the story, Ken slowly gets over his past relationship and falls in love with Irene. (And later other girls, but first Irene).

Though he does hit a lot of roadblocks on this path, what finally breaks through is when Irene is turned into gold. The reason for this is it shows Ken that, while both Irene and Kiera are crazy women, they are complete opposites.

Kiera hurt Ken for her own gain.
Irene sacrificed herself for Ken's gain.

This is what finally let Ken let go of the past and fully embrace his love of Irene. It also helps that he got his temporary closure with Kiera through the hallucination.


Fun Fact 15 - Chapters

When I was first writing the story, I was wondering how many chapters I'd get for Volume 1. I was reaching for 100, but didn't think I'd make it there. As I got to around Chapter 50, I started to realize that Volume 1 might not be finished until after 100 chapters.


Fun Fact 16 - Kuudere Trio

There are three kuuderes in the story, and each of them have a different reason for this.

Irene - Being very strict and professional, she locked off most of her emotions. While she does have them, and does show them, she only does this to people close to her. Others only get to see her professional mask.

Bianca - She was born with trouble expressing her emotions. With her insane focus of training as a kid and growing reputation as a genius and as the Ice Queen, she never had the chance to work on her social skills.

Aoi - She was created by The Demon King to be the first intelligent monster and his right hand. Due to how she was created and her status of a "prototype", this stunted her ability to express emotion. She does have emotions however, just like everybody else.


Fun Fact 17 - Aegis

The origin of Iris, Irene, and Isabella's last name is from Greek mythology. The Aegis was a shield created for Zeus, and eventually given to Athena. This is why the "electric-themed" family's last name is Aegis and why Iris' Arcana Zeus appears as a shield instead of something like a thunderbolt.


Fun Fact 18 - Kage

Kage, in Japanese, means "Shadow". So why does Ken not have the shadow element, and instead fire? Well, I'd like to say that this was a nod to his nature as a contradiction, but that is complete coincidence.

In the original prototype for this story, Heaven's Hell, I explained how Kai was originally the protagonist. There was another character that was going to be the "cool-bro" character contrasting Kai's fiery personality, named Dai Kage, someone with a shadow element.

As I scrapped the original, I took Dai Kage's last name and found a new first name which fit better, and created Ken Kage as my protagonist for the new story.


Fun Fact 19 - Eric the "Protagonist"

Eric is the protagonist of the Heaven's Hell anime which I created. He was created the way he was, blond, holder of Excalibur, because I tried to make his as "White Knight" cliche anime-protagonist as possible, which I think I succeeded in. Except for the twist, that is.

The huge similarities with Artoria Pendragon are complete coincidences, despite the fact I'm a huge Fate fan. Not sure how I didn't notice it...


Fun Fact 20 - Arthurson

This is probably obvious, but Erica's last name was a way to tease her awakening the Excalibur Arcana and being a descendant of Arthur Pendragon, as Arthurson literally means son of Arthur.

The "son" in it also serves as a misdirect from the fact that Erica is not actually a son, but a daughter.

And the canon reason her name is Arthurson instead of Pendragon is that over the years, the name was too famous so slowly it changed to Arthurson for more subtlety for the family.

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