Just An Ordinary Henchman [TRAILER]

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Welcome to Champion City. One of the hottest spots for superheroes and supervillains in all of America. Countless showdowns have gone down here-

Stop, stop stop stop. This is boring.

Let's have some fun, readers.

One masked man held a gun at the bank employee behind the counter, while two others walked across the main entrance of the bank, their guns trained on the kneeling, innocent hostages.

I should probably warn you now.

"Quicker!" I yelled, as I pointed the gun, watching the fearful man frantically shovel money into the bag.

I'm not exactly the best person.

"What is your goal here?" The woman glared at me.

"Money." I shrugged. "What, expecting some sob backstory?"

Nice to meet you.

You can call me Jason.

I stared at my blonde hair and red eyes in the mirror, before sighing and pulling on my ski mask. Back to work it is.

As you can tell, I'm just your simple, powerless henchman.

I took a sip of coffee, watching the television as it gave the current news, mainly of the villain Deathhand getting his butt kicked and locked into prison.

So much for being back to work, I need another job.

I know, it's pretty awesome.

"Scanning complete." She stated. "You must be my new master."

What the f-

So why the hell has this happened?

"You've made quite the name for yourself as a villain." They grinned, pointing a knife at me.

"You uh, sure you got the right guy?" I questioned. "Did you forget to take your meds?"

And why...

"I've missed you so much Will..." She grinned as I was held by the hem of my shirt, staring into my eyes with those same old crazy eyes. "...or should I say, Jason?"


...oh god why...

"I think I have made a very terrible mistake!" I nervously laughed, backing into the table behind me.

"How so?" The woman asked. "By cheating on me with her, or cheating on me with her?"

"How am I supposed to cheat, we aren't even together!" I argued.

...have the supervillains...

"This one is mine, dearie." She wrapped her arm around my head, holding me close. "I think you'll have to find someone else."

The other woman stared at us with the silent fury of a glare that could kill a thousand times.

"I would suggest letting go of what's mine." She spoke. "If you'd like to keep all of your limbs intact."

...and the superheroes...

The hero's face and costume was splashed with dark red blood. It dripped down her tightly clenched fist, joining the puddle of blood at her feet.

"You're supposed to be my arch-nemesis." She whispered. "Why? Why aren't you mine?"

...gone insane like this?

"Yeah, so..." He sighed to himself, rubbing his forehead. "You're fucked."

"You have no advice." I deadpanned.

"I have heard a lot of things but I've never heard this situation." He countered. "So, uh...best of luck, kid."

"You suck." I replied.

The low level grunt has somehow charmed the major players...

They stared me down, their eyes narrowed at me in the pouring rain.

"Who really are you?"

...when all he wanted was just some money.

I stared at the young boy in the bed as I sat at the bedside, sighing to myself.

Everything I do is for you.

I'm sorry about the man I've become.

Thanks a lot for making me the protagonist of a yandere story, author.

You suck.

Hope you're ready for a story of quips, obsessive love, action, comedy, villainy, and a lot of trying to stay alive.

Just An Ordinary Henchman

November 6th.

Coming soon to your favorite author near you.

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