The 2023 Christmas Holiday Special

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A white hallway that stretches on forever. The left and right walls held repeating doors that infinitely followed, stretching far into the unimaginable distance.

Should you turn around, the same sight would still be there. The impossibly long white hallway with the insurmountable amount of doors to accompany.

The only splash of color was the golden, shining doorknobs adorned on each door along with golden lettering on the center of each door.

"Happy holidays, my friend." A voice enters your ears. You turn, a man now standing in the hallway with you even though you could've sworn he hadn't been there before.

It was strange. The more you stared at him, the more his features changed. You couldn't quite tell exactly what or who he was supposed to look like. And yet, he reminded you of someone.

Focusing less on his appearance gave it a more consistent look that followed the whims of your mind. He wore a white suit with a white tie, and as you looked closely you noticed the embroidered, silvery designs of snowflakes.

"Whatever you do celebrate, I hope you're enjoying yourself this season." He smiled warmly at you. "Though I must say, I'm surprised you managed to wander yourself here."

"I could just take you back..." He thought to himself. "...but that would be a little boring, wouldn't it? Let's have a little bit of fun. You could call this little meeting of ours fate, after all."

He smirked, a knowing look on his face. "Here, follow me." He turned, his pristine, white shoes against the pure white floor as he started to walk down the hallway.

You hurried after him, walking next to him as he continued down the hallway with a smile. Eventually he came to a stop, turning towards one of the doors.

On the door was engraved the letters, JAOH. It seemed familiar, somehow.

"I named the doors myself." He stated. "Now, how about we take a look at what's going on this season for them?"

He grasped at the golden doorknob, pushing the door open. With a short gesture he pointed towards the door. And then, you took a step forwards and into the world within.

~ JAOH ~

Champion City, a bustling city adorned with snow. Snowflakes drifted down in a light flurry this evening, flying across the city for a winter wonderland.

"Alright everyone, in the van!" Jason, a man with blonde hair and red eyes, grinned. He patted the side of the van, looking towards his companions. "And you don't get to call shotgun, I already have!"

Despite the cold outside he was just in pajamas, albeit with a light shiver. His red shirt depicted a golden retriever with a Santa hat, while his green pants held the repeating pattern of christmas lights and dog bond chew toys. Atop his head was a Santa hat, completing his outfit.

"No fair, I wanted to spoil you." Aurelia, a tall, buxom, blonde with an eyepatch, sighed. She was dressed in a sweater and tights with a snowflake pattern.

"If anyone should be doing the spoiling, it should be me!" Alexis, with her dark blue eyes and her short black hair, crossed her arms indignantly. She wore a set of pajamas that mirrored Jasons, except they depicted a black cat.

"I call the seat behind Jason!" Hikari, her brown hair in a ponytail with sparkling light blue eyes, declared. She was wearing pajamas which depicted a cozy home with a warm fireplace. Before anyone could object she leaped into the van, securing her spot.

"Damn it!" Sarah, a girl with messy blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes, cried out. She was dressed in pajamas depicting a snowman in a familiar superhero costume. She quickly leaped in after Hikari.

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