Chapter 3: Something Bad.

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Chapter 3: Something Bad.

It was now monday morning meaning I have school to attend to.. Yay!


I was walking through the hallways towards my locker. As I was shoving books in random places someone came up behind me squeezing my sides making me yelp, jump AND drop every book onto the floor. I turned around glaring at my best friend Belle as she snickered to herself.

Sighing, I dropped to my knees and started to clean up my books and shove them randomly into my locker again. Belle only decides to help when theres one book left. She hands it to me, smiling brightly as I take it with a roll of my eyes, actually keeping the book out because I would need it.

"Thanks, Belle you're oh so helpful." I stated sarcastically. She smiled at me while rolling her eyes and nudging my sides. "Come on, the bell is about to ring." As if on cue the bell rang and I chuckled as we walked to our first period, which we shared. Walking in I frowned as I laid eyes on a familiar mysterious boy.

My neighbor.

What's his name may you ask? I have no idea..

Sighing I slumped down into my chair as Belle slouched down next to me talking to a few people meanwhile. Some gave me smiles and waves as I returned them, but I tuned the world out as I let out a shaky breath.

Something was wrong I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. Sitting in my seat next to Belle and ignoring the sinking feeling I turned my phone on and plugged in my headphones to listen to some music. That is until the teacher came in. I took them out when the second bell rang; I gotta keep up my good girl facade for my mom, and everyone else.

Sighing I tuned out as soon as my teacher started to talk about the same lesson we've been learning about for the past week and a half.


It was lunch now and nothing too bad happened- yet. I don't know when something will happen but I just know it will, eventually. "Oh, chill out." Belle sighed exasperated with my attitude. "Belle I just know something's going to happen." She rolled her eyes at me and nudged me.

"Well until then stop being such a Debbie Downer. If something bad were to happen wouldn't it have happened already?" She reasoned as we sat down with our lunch. "No." I deadpanned and she sighed annoyed.

"What the hell ever, Lay." Yup. She's annoyed with me. "Fine, fine. We'll have it your way." I huffed and she smiled at me.

"Yay, were going shopping after school!" I rolled my eyes while biting into a french fry. "Yay." I mumbled as Belle scolded me for talking with my mouth open. "Mmmm did see Mr. Hunk?" Belle drooled and I raised an eyebrow.

"Who?" She turned to me and nodded into her left direction and I turned my head to see my neighbor already with the school delinquents. Shocker. I shrugged and bit into my last fry.

"Awe come on he's hot!" She cried and I shrugged. Again. "Well yeah, he's hot, but you know how my mom is." I whispered the last part. She nodded and with that I grabbed my tray and went to stand up but almost rammed into someone.

The next few words I heard were the ones that made me freeze. "You think I'm hot?" Sighing I looked up into the mysterious bad boy who has yet to be named. I shrugged, "I mean whoever doesn't obviously is just lying to themselves." I stated bored as he looked amused but had a blank face at the same time if that makes sense.

"Well, Layne, I think you're hot too." He started and then stepped closer so he could whisper in my ear. "Especially in short shorts listening to The All- American Rejects." He added and I threw my head back laughing he pulled back and looked at me with the same facial expression.

"Cute." I said sarcastically as I stopped abruptly while gripping my tray and walking to the trash can. Once the tray was disposed I walked out with my head high as people gaped at me.


After the little encounter today, people have been staring at me and talking to me more than normal. I was now heading out of the school and to Belle's car so we can go shopping. Yay. I still have that sickening feeling in my stomach, but I've chose to ignore it, much like Belle requested, well more like demanded I do.

"Hey bitch." Belle greeted me and I gave her a sarcastic smile in return as she unlocked her car doors and I got in.


In no time we were at the mall and spending loads of money on clothes we adored. Belle even helped me pick out a few more shorts, skirts, and cute tops to match from Hollister. I also got a few dresses and a couple more pairs of wedges.

They were the only heels I was willing to wear. After we were all checked out and it was late we headed back to her car.


Saying goodbye to Belle I grabbed my bags and kindly rejected her attempt to help me bring them in. Walking up to the steps of my house I opened the garage to see my moms car parked and groaned. I climbed up the stairs from the garage to the house and walked in, kicking the door shut and walking up the stairs to my bedroom.

I threw my bags down and groaned in exhaustion. I stripped out of the shirt I wore for school and threw on a Calvin Klein sports bra and some booty shorts. I heard heels clicking against the floor and knew what was coming.

I groaned quietly as the clicking noise stopped in front of my door and it opened revealing my very pissed off mother. "Where have you been?" She hissed and my good girl exterior was put up.

"Well, Belle wanted to study while at the mall and I bought a few things there." I smiled lightly and she huffed. "I'm tired of your crap, Lani." She breathed and I huffed.

"That's not my name, so stop calling me that." I was annoyed she needs to stop. "That's what I named you, so thats what I shall call you, young lady." "Well, I legally changed it."

"Why do you hate it so much?!" Her voice was raising and I looked at her like she was dumb. "It's too hard, mom!"

"What is? Being normal? Being you over some stupid no good boy?!" She yelled and I was infuriated. "I loved him! And what did you do about it! You hurt me!" I screamed tears running down.

"You hurt me, mom. And then so did he." I whispered as more tears fell. And she didn't even look sorry for yelling. "Get your crap together, Lani. Wipe your face and get studying." She ordered and I gaped at her.

"Fine." I clenched out as I got up and walked to the door opening it and gesturing for her to leave. She huffed and walked out. As soon as I shut the door I sunk down to the floor and let the tears fall.

I wouldn't be doing this for awhile, so might as well get it out now. After awhile of feeling pathetic, I hauled myself up, walked to my mirror wiped my eyes. I pulled on a fake smile and fixed my makeup, nodding once I turned around and felt my heart plummet.

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