Chapter 5: I am a good girl?

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Chapter 5: I am a good girl?

"Sorry!" I yelled back at the guy who was now picking up his papers off the ground.

Okay, so, after the incident with whats his face, I realized I was going to be extremely late to school and we can not have that happening. The late bell was about to ring in a few seconds and I had just reached my locker. Throwing my bag in I grabbed my first three books and booked it down the hallway to my first period.

Just as the bell rang I was walking in. My teacher raised his eyebrow and I gave a sheepish smile and he waved me off. I smiled brightly and walked to my seat next to Belle thankful I didn't need a late pass and my mom wouldn't find out..

Before I knew it, classes went by and it was lunch. I was sitting at the table with Belle when she suggested the most beautiful thing in the world. "There's a party Friday-" I cut her off abruptly, "Belle." I gave her a look and she continued. "Let me finish." I sighed.

"It's the next town over so no one we know probably wont be there." I nodded taking a bite of my fry. "and I'm there because..." I trailed off. "I don't wanna be alone." She pouted and I sighed. "Fine." I caved she smiled and clapped happily. Before I knew it, lunch was ending and classes continued for the rest of the day.

At the end I walked outside and up to my car pulling the door open. Only one more year of this hell then I'm a senior, then college far far away from here. I pulled up to my house and parked in the driveway, getting out I jogged up my stairs to my house, ran through my house and up the stairs to my room.

I threw my bag on the ground and took a much needed nap.



Was finally here after the long torturous days that came with the week. I was fixing my straight hair already when my moms familiar heels were clicking once again down the hall and to my door.

She barged in and put her hands on her hips. "Where are you going at this hour?" She raised an eyebrow and I smiled kindly.

"To the library then to Belle's house to study for that big test we have on Monday in History." I explained shortly and she studied my blank and emotionless face.

With a grunt she turned around and started to walk away. "Your father wont be coming home until later." She explained and I nodded.

"He's not my dad." I grumbled under my breath. "Hey, mom, what happened to that business trip?" I questioned and she raised an eyebrow. "I went already." She stated bored and I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded nevertheless.

Weird. Usually she's gone for a week or so. Never not just showing up randomly the next day at like 4 in the morning. She left my room and I finished my normal makeup, fluffed up my dirty blonde hair, giving it volume and walked out of my bathroom sending Belle a text saying I was ready.

I slipped on my dress and wedges doing a double take in the mirror and getting a text followed by a horn blowing from Belle.

Yay! Parttaayy.


We arrived to the party and she immediately made a beeline for the kitchen. "Text me later!" She called and with that she was gone. I slapped my hands to my thigh and groaned.

"What now." I grumbled.

I heard her faintly yell something about looking for cute guys and that she wasn't going to drink. I grabbed a water bottle bored waiting to get out of here. A guy approached me and made small talk.

"can I get you something to drink?" And I debated it. After a while I nodded and he smirked getting me a drink.

"Woah, calm down." He called as he pulled the bottle down from my lips. I wiped the corner of my mouth and smiled up at the guy that took my bottle away. "We never properly met." He smirked and I shrugged.

"Guess not." "Alex." He stuck his hand out to me and I shook it with a small smile, "Layne." I responded and he smiled back.

"Now, how would you like a cup?" He smirked and I did too. "I'd like that." Nodding he grabbed me a cup and with that he filled it up and I chugged it down. Ahhhh. Oh alcohol.


After many hours of talking and making out with Alex, mostly making out, Belle dragged my drunk ass out of there. As we reached the outside I puked my guts out in a nearest bush. Belle cringed and shook her head.

"You should be more careful, Layne." She scolded and I giggled leaning on her for support. "I'm tired now." I stated and she shook her head frantically. "No, no stay awake!" And with that she was running and dragging me along to her car.

She was taking me back to my house because she wanted to do the dirty with this one guy and it worked because my mom texted me saying she got called for a job and would be back Sunday night. Arriving at my house a lot of minutes later, Belle pulled me out by my arm and dragged me all throughout my house and to my room.

"You good?" She questioned and I giggled nodding. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I can stay." She started but I cut her off shaking my head frantically.

"No, no, no, no. Go do the nasty nasty. Freaky freaky with whats his face."

I slurred and she chuckled lightly, tucking me in, putting advil, water, and a bucket next to me. I smiled and she waved leaving my room and house.

I rolled over on my side and closed my eyes only to feel the alcohol make its way back up. Turning over I emptied my stomach in the waste bin next to me. After I wiped my mouth I got an idea, jumped up and ran down the stairs and to my moms office.

I opened the fridge in there, pulled out her Vodka, moving on to her cabinets I grabbed the whiskey and tequila. Walking back up the stairs and tripping lots I started to chug the bottle.


I was swaying back and forth in my room singing a small tune as I drank the rest of the Vodka. Shrugging I threw the now empty bottle and started on the tequila. The world spun back and forth for a bit until I saw somewhat good again.

I heard a creaking noise and snapped to look at my window and a leg come swinging through, then a body. As he stumbled a bit I chuckled and he looked at me, the alcohol in my hands, in the trash and on the dresser, then to me and again and again.

"What the fuck, Layne." He groaned and I giggled. I hiccuped and he sighed. "This isn't healthy." He stated grabbing the bottle from my hand and pulling me to my bed.

"I'm a i'm fff-iii-nnee." I slurred and he rolled his eyes. "No your not, now sleep." He demanded and I shook my head then groaned in pain. "You'll regret all of this in the morning but for now drink this." He handed me a water bottle and I went to grab it but got nothing.

He laughed at my attempts as I tried to focus on the bottle. I sighed in annoyance and slumped back until he helped me. Sighing and pulling back I laid down and closed my eyes.

"Why are you even getting drunk, you're a good girl." He stated and I giggled.

"Good girl? I am." I scoffed and with that I fell asleep.

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