Chapter 22: Drama is for you.

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Chapter 22: Drama is for you

Lol. I have school in the morning because I come back from Christmas Break and here I am updating for you, sweethearts at 4 in the morning when I need to wake up at 5.. Oops? Also, I never edit my work, soooooo beware!!!

Trying to appear nonchalant and like the boy standing in front of me hadn't broken my heart. 

Honestly, being around him I was expecting a lot of things; irregular breathing, erratic heartbeats, scattered thoughts- anything at all, but I didn't nothing. Just betrayal.

"What's the matter? Not happy to see me?" His voice came out in a hurt expression, but also in a taunting way. That doesn't make sense, but it was like he was genuinely upset but tried to cover it up.

"You left me?" I questioned in a surprisingly strong voice. He smirked and closed the distance to us. As he stepped out of the shadows and in the moonlight, it came to no surprise he looks the same. Not to get me wrong, Justin is the most perfect human being I met. Well was. No he just reminds me of a trash can.

It's like those tumblr pictures where they crop out the ex boyfriend and instead put a trashcan there. God, those pictures have me rolling on the floor, gasping. 

He raised his hand and on instinct, I coiled away from his touch which connected with my cheek. 

But, it wasn't a slap, he rested his hand there and brushed a few strands of my hair behind my ear. After it dawned on me he wasn't going to hit me, I grabbed his hand and pushed it away from my face. Now don't get me wrong, he never hit me. He wasn't like that it was just an instinct but you never know with people anyways.

"Do not touch me." Now he looked like I had slapped him. I rolled my eyes and his smirk came back on his face. "Lani, Lani, Lani." He shook his head and closed the gap that I had made, once again. "You can't get rid of me. I'm back and I'm here to stay." I shrugged.

"Fine, but stay out my way. I don't want to be around you, I don't want you contacting me. Nothing. Oh yeah, and your little note bullshit. That needs to stop." He chuckled eyes glistening in the moon. "Don't you miss me, even a little." Scoffing I rolled my eyes- something I seem to be doing a lot. 

"Justin, I don't miss you, not even a little bit." With that I turned around and walked over to my dads headstone picking up my bag. "You think about me still and you know it. You miss me, just admit it." We were a few feet away, but I heard his voice like he was right behind me.

Turning my head we locked eyes. "No, I think about our memories and realize that you were a selfish piece of shit. The only thing I could ever miss from you is the feeling of no longer being lonely. Then I realized, every day spent with you, I would have rather of been alone." Those words said, I started to walk back home.

Branches crushing underneath my heavy footsteps. When will Friday be here already?! School got me fucked up. Not to mention I found a gray hair the other day.. Something's not right.

Unlocking the door, I closed it and re-locked it putting Ace's keys back in the dish and walking into my room as quietly as I can. 

It was three thirty and as I walked in my closet and started to take my shoes off it caught my attention that there was no way Justin was just at the cemetery because he felt like it. Pushing away the thought, I decided to get more sleep before I had to wake up for hell in a couple of hours. 

Pulling, my sweatshirt over my head and throwing it on my closet floor, I walked back into my room pulling my tank top back down. 

I just about ran to my head, throwing myself under the covers and sighing in relief. I stared at the ceiling for a little and finally rolled over and closed my eyes catching up on the sleep that I just missed out on due to visiting my dad.

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