Chapter 26:That's Social Suicide

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Chapter 26: That's Social Suicide... 

So, our friends are more informed about mine and Ace's relationship than we are. And it's creepy as hell. It didn't take long until Jake had blabbed to our whole friend group, and it didn't take long for everyone to come over. I've also come to the conclusion, Jake likes Belle. Does Belle like Jake? Probably not. Still cute though so.

"Why in the hell didn't you call me?!" Belle was already yelling at me before she even opened the door. I smiled at her before responding. "Well, gee, good to see you too, my lovely best friend." She rolled her eyes.

"Now is no time for that shit. Why didn't you tell?" She pouted and I smiled before pulling Ace's arms around me more, almost subconsciously. His arms tightened and I looked up as he peered down on me and smiled causing me to of course, smile back. 

"I was, uh, a little preoccupied." Ace smirked at me and I smiled brighter before looking back at Belle who rolled her eyes at our moment and came over and sat with us after I patted the mattress with my hand. 

"I miss you." I pouted and wrapped my arms around Belle's neck and yanking her down with me and she laughed as my back hit Ace and Belle fell on top of me. Belle was groaning for me to let go and Ace kept pushing on my back for me to sit up.

"Just get up, you fat ass." Gasping I turned my head to look at Ace.

"You didn't."

"I did." He smirked and I pouted and glared at him at the same time, which caused him to kiss my cheek and I swatted his face away and he chuckled and Belle groaned again.

"Gross, guys, I don't want to be in a threesome with you guys." Ace and I took a second to just kind of stare at Belle as she fixed her shirt and looked at us and then at Jake who had just reappeared saying the one word that had Belle and I struggling to get up.

"PIZZA!" He screamed as he slammed the door shut and I grabbed Belle's facing, trying to push myself up, but she kicked me and laid on me pushing me to the bed and getting up. I grabbed her foot and she fell and I was about to run when hands enclosed around my waist and I struggled. 

"No!" I cried as Belle got up and started running out the room laughing and thanking Ace. I slumped in my spot and crossed my arms pouting he pulled me back into him and nuzzled his face in my neck.

"When are we going to tell my mom?" 

I hope he's not talking about us...

"What do you mean?" I was trying to hide the fact I wanted to fidget and he chuckled into my neck, awakening my goosebumps and he sighed. "You know about us?" I took his arms from around my stomach and turned in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck. "Soon."

He gripped my hips and I pulled him closer to me so his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and suddenly we started to sway and I laughed pulling back, but continued to sway. "What're you doing." I chuckled and he smiled.

"Why were dancing, you silly, duck." I smiled but frowned jokingly and he kissed my cheek and I shook my head as we continued to sway, in the middle of his bedroom with no music. It was quiet and I was hoping that he had forgotten about our previous talk, but I wasn't so fortunate. 

"Laney, if you don't want to be-." I stopped his sentence abruptly and pulled back quickly. "Of course I want to be with you." He sighed and put his forehead on mine, his breath fanning my face and causing butterflies to flap their wings.

"Then what's the problem." His eyes were sad and I knew I was hurting and I knew he was mad at me, but it's just, I don't even know. I went to reply but we were cut off when we heard Jake call for us. With one last hurt look Ace let me go and walked out of his room, shoving his hands in his pockets and I couldn't help but stand there and feel like I just fucked everything good up.

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