Chapter 21: He shuts me out

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Chapter 21: He shuts me out.

I couldn't do it. 

I couldn't run away anymore.

Maybe it was because of Ace's face and the torn look or perhaps when I stepped into Ace's house after our moment, Lylia had off work and took one look at me and knew something was wrong. "Oh, my baby." I crumbled immediately in her open arms and sobbed.

"I have to go now, Lylia." I whispered into her shoulder and she squeezed me harder. "Stay here, baby. Let us take care of you. Please stop running." My lame nod was my first mistake. We stayed like that for a while her soft humming soothing me.

"It's okay, baby. You're okay." I needed to express my gratefulness to her, I needed to show her how much she means to me too. So pulling away from her slightly, she holds both my cheeks in her hands and tucks my hair behind my ear. 

"Lylia, I just want to say how happy I am that you've excepted me in your home with open arms. I never had a mother figure before but I know you would be her. I don't know if you find it weird or awkward, but I consider you my mother.

You are the only person who has cared and nurtured for me. Other than Belle and Ace of course. Ace has been wonderful to me he gets mean sometimes, but I know he means well. He is so lucky to have a mother like you." I pause for a second, tears brimming the both of our eyes. "I wanted to flee because I thought it would be easier. 

I never had a rock to hold me and support me but you and your son are two of the most supportive people in the world. And I love the both of you." My voice cracks but I continue. "So very much." And now I'm balling and Lylia pulls me close to her kissing my forehead.

"You are my daughter, Layne. No, I didn't birth you, but that's not what being a mother is about. Anyone who threatens you threatens me and I love you and I know Ace does too. You made him better and I thank you so much for that." I close my eyes tightly and let the tears fall silently. 

We pull away and she quickly wipes my eyes and my own and I send her a grateful smile and kiss her on the cheek. "I'm going to go get some sleep." She nodded and when I turned around she smacked my butt lightly and we laughed as we parted ways. 

When I got to my room I slumped down and I was out like a light. Now imagine my horror when my bedroom door slammed open. "Oh thank god." My eyes were groggily and I sat up. "Ace?" I squinted at the light change and I knew it was him when he was by my side.

His scent found its way slithering into my nostrils and giving me instant comfort. He basically talked me onto the bed squeezing me tight. I wheezed and attempted to push him off me. 

It was weird it was like the atmosphere shifted and I couldn't breathe again. Because being this close to someone reminded me of the note and the note reminded me of him. Suddenly the air was harder to enter my lungs and when Ace pulled away I let out a small wheeze.

"Do not ever fucking do that to me again, you hear me?" He demanded softly but determinately. He grabbed the back of my neck and yanked me to him softly, my eyes popping out of my head as he kissed my forehead.

"God, Laney, don't ever fucking leave me." Sighing, I pull away from him slightly and he gives me a look not to say anything. He knows I was going to bring up the apartment thing. Sighing defeatedly, I slammed my body against the bed.

"Is there a reason you woke me up from my sleep?" I sigh after awhile, opening my eyes I see Ace peering at me through his eyelashes and I can't help the rigged breaths that come out. Closing my eyes tightly I had to convince myself he wasn't here. It wasn't working.

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