Chapter 15: Choke On Your Saliva And Die.

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Chapter 15: Choke On Your Saliva And Die. 

Dinner went by smoothly, I guess. Now I sit soundlessly on the couch waiting for my best friend of 11 years whom I am currently fighting with, to arrive at the house of a guy I could barely stand before four days ago..

Huh, strange world if I do say so myself. "Layne, you can't just sit there like that until she arrives." I scoffed. "Like hell I can, and like hell I will." He rolled his eyes and huffed out a short, "whatever." Within a few minutes of that conversation, the doorbell rang and I froze in place not yet ready to face my best friend who will most likely leave here no longer, my best friend.

"Layne." I did not move. He sighed and kicked himself up off the couch and walked to get the door. I could faintly hear their exchange and no later than 10 seconds I was face- to- face with my best friend.

"Belle." I greeted and she offered me her sad, apologetic smile, and that was how I knew. I hopped up from my spot and finished the distance between my best friend and I, embracing her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry." We both apologized and laughed into each other's shoulders.

We pulled apart slightly and smiled at each other with teary eyes. Suddenly we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Well, if this isn't going to end with the two of you kissing and making up, I'm out." I scoffed and slapped his shoulder playfully as Belle and I laughed at his stupidity.

He joined too, "now that that's over, lets go Netflix and chill." He smirked at the two of us and I slapped him again, a little harder this time and he chuckled as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Okay! Fine, just the Netflix part then?"

"And junk food?" Belle pipped in and I nodded enthusiastically towards Ace who sighed and nodded, causing two happy teenage girls to squeal and jump around.

"Well get to it then!" Belle and I ran out of the room before Ace could protest and up to his bedroom. I lead her in and left her to shut the door as I dove for his bed as soon as I walked in. Belle laughed to herself and sat at the end.

"So, you and Ace grown pretty close then, huh?" I looked at her and shrugged, nodding. "Yeah, I guess we have." She smiled and I rolled my eyes but smiled back anyways. "So, catch me up on everything thats happened lately." I chuckled and shrugged anyways.

"Nothing really, Ace and I have been chilling in his room for the past couple of days." "Wait, wait, wait!" She exclaimed with wild hand gestures. I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to get on with it.

"You and Ace?" I nodded with furrowed eyebrows. "Have been together?" I nodded again. "Like inseparable?" I was about to nod again but shook my head with a slight laugh.

"I've slept in here or he slept in my room and then we just hung out in those rooms the next day, no biggie." Belle scoffed.

"No biggie?" She scoffed again. "Speak for yourself, Miss I've had more action in the past two days than the last year and a half." I laughed slightly shaking my head.

"Says the slut." She laughed too and shrugged. "What can I say, I like to please and to be pleased." I laughed at her, throwing a pillow at her, "Oh shut up." She laughed too and dodged the pillow. She lunged at me and we were wrestling with each other as she shoved a pillow in my face.

"Cheater." I grunted out as I crawled on top of her and she started to punch my arms. "Stop that." I laughed and she did too as she started to do the thing I dreaded most. She fucking tickled me.

"Stop or I'll sit on your head." She smirked at me and I slapped her. "Get yo head outta the gutter, lesbo." She laughed and I joined in partly due to the fact she hadn't stopped tickling me yet.

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