Chapter 16: Stupid Nutbag

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Chapter 16: Stupid Nutbag

Waking up the next morning for school was horrible. And by waking up, I mean being sat on by three different people. Three very fat people.

Ace groaned from under me as we were now smushed together thanks to my wonderful best friend and his two friends.

"Get up, get up, get up." They all bounced up and down on top of us as they said each word.

Groaning I attempted to open one eye but was caused to squint.

"Get the fuck off me." Ace groaned as he pushed back Jake from poking his face. He chuckled as they came to a hault with their antagonizing; so we thought at least. "So, it looks like you two made up last night." Jake wiggled his brows and shot me a wink. I shot him a dirty look with a scoff. Oh, and a pillow.

He attempted to catch the pillow, but instead just ended up falling backwards and off the bed with the force of it. He grumbled profanities as he sat up and rubbed his butt cheek.

"You are an evil person." He glared at me causing us all to laugh harder at the loon. Forcing them out of the room was not easy, but thankfully, Ace's mom was on our side.

"Breakfast!" She hollered up the stairs, leaving a trail of smoke behind from the goofs running down to the free food.

I smiled and shook my head as I thought about what free food does to people. Ace nudged my shoulder with his, drawing my attention to his. Meeting his blue and oddly green eyes I smiled and he tilt his head in confusion.

"Ready for your big day?" I scoffed, "Oh, yeah, just dying to go back to school." I replied sarcasticly and shot him a what-the-hell-do-you-think kind of look. He shrugged his shoulders and I rolled my eyes.

"Go, so I can get ready." I wiggled my eyebrows as I climbed out of bed and he laughed getting up and walking towards the door.

"Have fun!" I was about to shoot him another sarcastic look, but he was already gone. Sighing to myself I turned to my closet and picked out my outfit for the day. Leaving them on my bed, I walked to the bathroom to do my hair. Looking in the mirror, I shrugged deciding not to do anything dramatic to it and thought it come together with the outfit.

Fluffing the bottom of my hair I shrugged deciding it was good enough. My makeup, however was pretty dramatic.

My smokey eye was of course three colors, my base color, brown and black, which brought my brown eyes popping out. Winging out my liquid eyeliner, I filled my water line with eyeliner too.

As my eyes were fine, I glued on some false eyelashes to really make them pop and dramatic. Once all this was finished, I filled my brows in and started on priming, concealing, and highlighting my face. Finishing, I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom to go get changed. Walking to my bed I stripped free of my tee and pulled on a bra and changed my undies.

I decided on a lace bustier, paired with a leather skirt, garter belt, leather heeled boots, a motorcycle leather jacket and a leather purse. I was rolling the garter belt up and pulling my mini skirt up when my bedroom door flung open scaring me shitless as my best friend walked.

"Holy fuck, you're hot." I smirked and turned in a circle nodding my head. "Right." We laughed as I finished putting my clothes on and she nodded in approval. "Have I told you, I love this plan?" I laughed and she joined me as I grabbed my school stuff and phone and got ready to leave the room.

"Are the boys done?" I questioned and Belle shrugged, "Hell if I know." I shook my head and we walked down the stairs and to the front door.

"Lets go!" I hollered into the house and walked out the door and stopped beside Ace's car. Belle stood next to me for a little until the boys got their fat asses out here.

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