Chapter 29:Not Going Anywhere

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Chapter 29: Not Going Anywhere.

"I-I." I stuttered to say something but just shook my head. "Lylia, this isn't necessary. I- I'll be eighteen soon." I explained and she just sat there with her fingers pressed to her temples as Ace sat stiff next to me gazing daggers to where his mother sat.

"The papers are already filled out." She sighed. "When did everything become so messed up." She proceeded to whisper to herself.

"Mom, it's okay, but I just can't let you adopt Layne. I can't stand the fact of not being able to be with her anymore." Ace sounded so broken and my heart reached out to him and I grabbed his hand in mine as his fingers tightened around mine.

"Okay. I guess that's fine. I want you two to be happy and Layne I just wanted you to be free and loved." I smiled sadly at her. "I'm not free yet from my past but I think I'm getting closer to letting go. As for being loved, I haven't felt this much love since my father had killed himself." 

She smiled a watery smile at me and stood up to hug me, me meeting her halfway, letting go of Ace in the process. She pulled me tightly into her. "Be kids and be happy." She whispered in my ear and I hugged her tighter before letting go.

She kissed my cheek and hugged Ace too then told us to head to bed because it's been a long night. Ace and I parted ways from Lylia and headed upstairs.

"Well that was something." Ace breathed deeply from beside to me and I chuckled and blew out a breath, "it sure was." 

We walked up the stairs and passed Ace's room and I wanted to keep walking to mine to change but Ace grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Sleep with me." His voice was tired and his eyes drooped lazily. I smiled. "Let me get changed really quickly." He shook his head and pulled me in the room. "It's okay." He shut his door and walked me into the bathroom with him.

He ran the tub and plugged it as the water started to fill up, he dumped in some of my bath bombs. I watched and waited for his next move, he simply turned me around and unzipped my dress wordlessly. 

I pulled his shirt out and unbuttoned it as well as his jeans. He stepped out of them and kicked them away. I unclipped my bra and pulled off my underwear as he pulled his boxers down. The cold air nipped at my exposed skin and made the hairs on my body stand upwards.

He grabbed my hand and guided me into the bath water, I sat down in front of him and he sat behind me. There was nothing sexual about this, it was just him showing his affection towards me. 

Once we were both seated in the water, he pulled me against his back and nuzzled his face against my neck and it was like everything from tonight really hit me and everything made me feel so overwhelmed that I couldn't help but having the feeling of needing to cry. 

I reached up behind me and wrapped my hands in his hair and he placed a kiss against my shoulder this time and I rotated in the water to face him, wrapping my legs around his waist and resting them behind him. 

"What's wrong." He whispered as he leaned in and rested his forehead against mine. "I don't know." I whispered back shakily. "I think it's hitting me hard that I almost lost you." 

"I'm not going anywhere." He whispered and his eyes searched mine. "Because I love you. I love you so much." I closed my eyes and pulled him to me to kiss him. I couldn't help but to smile into the kiss. I pulled away and wanted to say it back, but it was like suddenly my throat was dry and I couldn't spit it out.

"I didn't say it to hear it back, I said it because you deserve to know." I smiled and kissed him again as my eyes prickled with tears from the emotional day, and when we pulled back I rested my head on his shoulder and we would probably sit there until we turned all prune like and gross, and I was okay with that.

As we lay in bed soundlessly with me spread across Ace's chest and him rubbing circles on my arm I sighed. "I'm sorry I was at you all day." Ace chuckled and kissed my cheek. "That's alright, I was an inconsiderate asshole and I shouldn't have reacted the way I did." I smiled and looked up at him.

"Damn right you were, and now that you learned your lesson." I trailed off as he rolled his eyes I laughed and leaned up to kiss him. "Although, I must say. I hated you not talking to me." I shrugged.

"I hate how mean you get to everyone when I piss you off." I gave him a pointed look and he shrugged. "Well I mean what do you want me to do? It's not exactly butterflies and rainbows and shit when you're mad." It was my turn to roll my eyes and scoff at his words.

He just smiled down at me and pulled me closer. "You know, you could've just apologized to begin with." I trailed off again and he scoffed. "I did." He narrowed his eyes and I giggled again. "Yeah, well. Tough shit, sugarmuffin." 

"Hmm, sugarmuffin." He pulled a thinking face and met eyes with mine again. "I think I like when you give me pet names." I threw my head back and laughed at how stupid this human being is.

"You're so stupid." He chuckled and shrugged. 

"Yeah, well, you can't get rid of me." I grinned. "I wouldn't trade you for the world." He shot me a big cheesy smile and cooed. "How sweet of you to give me such a nice compliment really. I like it when you're cute and shit to me. Might make me blush." I laughed and hit his chest playfully as I muttered an angry, "shut up."

He laughed and pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck as he sighed. "I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but we'll get through it." 

I mimicked his sigh. "Yeah."

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