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"Brielle! You better be up already; you have to be at school in 30 minutes!"

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"Brielle! You better be up already; you have to be at school in 30 minutes!"

                I opened my eyes and groaned. Shit, my alarm didn't go off again.

                I jumped out of bed really quickly and ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I washed my face and put on some concealer and mascara then brushed my hair. I had average features with pale, sickly skin and brown eyes and dark blonde hair that reached just above my shoulders. I had a slender nose, with eyes a little too far apart and small lips that always seemed to be downturned. I wasn't ugly or pretty and I knew that, and I liked the way I looked.

                My door suddenly slammed open. "Brielle Colette West, how many times do I have to tell you to stop sleeping in? You are almost 18, for God's sake! It's time to start being responsible!" I wish I could say I didn't get this lecture at least once a day, but I would be lying. My mom was cool, all things considered, but she still liked rules and waking up on time was one of them.

                "I'm sorry Mama, it won't happen again. Besides, you know Grayson wouldn't let me be late even if I wanted to be." Ever since Grayson had gotten his license, he began driving me to school everyday and taking me home. Even after he graduated two years ago, he was still keeping up with the tradition.

                My mother walked away, muttering in French too low for me to hear.

                My mother's parents immigrated here from France when she was 12 years old, and they quickly immersed her into the American culture. Ten years after that, she had grown into the American way, even marrying the all-American boy, my father. She had even lost her accent. Only French thing she kept was the language she taught me growing up.

                I wish I could say I looked like my mom, who had chestnut brown hair and light blue eyes, but I looked like my father. The only thing I had gotten from my mom was my height. She was about 5'6, while I was only 5'4. My father, the last time I had saw him, was well over 6 feet tall.

                I finished getting ready, putting on an old gray plain t-shirt and some ripped blue jeans. I paired it with my white sneakers. After getting dressed, I grabbed my bag and closed my bedroom door. I ran down the stairs and sat on a barstool, waiting.

                "No breakfast, ma chéri?"

                "Not today, mama. I don't really think I have the time." I replied.

                She tutted at me. "Absurdité! You must eat or else you will be starving later!"

                I rolled my eyes even thought she wasn't looking at me. I would be in for another lecture if she saw me rolling my eyes. Madeline West was not to be trifled with. "I'm sure I will be fine but thank you Mama."

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