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                It was less than 20 minutes when I heard a knock on the door

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                It was less than 20 minutes when I heard a knock on the door. I sucked in a breath to try and prepare myself. I wasn't as scared as I was when I woke up this morning, just more determined, but there was still a lingering fear.

                I walked slowly to the door and stood in front of it for a brief minute before opening it.

                Grayson stood on the other side of the doorway, giving me a nervous smile. "Can I come in?" I moved behind the door, gesturing to him to enter. Grayson walked in and stood there, fidgeting.

                "Do you want to talk in my room?" I asked hesitantly. My room had always been my safe space just like Grayson had always been my safe space. Me and him always spent time in my room, so it just became easy to associate the two together. The truth was that my room felt safe because Grayson was always there.

                He nodded his head and began to follow me up the stairs. I felt all jittery, my body felt fidgety, I was honestly freaking out. I mean, how do you have a conversation with a guy about him being a werewolf?

                We made it to my room and stood in the middle of it. I could feel the nervous energy rolling off of the both of us, neither of knowing what to say. It felt similar to our car ride back here yesterday, just without my anger and fear.

                Grayson cleared his throat. "Do you, uh, do you want to sit down and ask me what you want to know?" I bit my lip and nodded. We both made our way to my bed, sitting on the edge, so far apart from each other.

                We both stared at each other before I spoke. "Are you a werewolf?" I blurted out. His mouth twitched slightly, trying to stop himself from smiling. He nodded his head slowly. "Yes, but some people call us lycans. Werewolf, lycans, beast, wolfman, its all the same thing."

                I looked around the room avoiding eye contact. "Right, okay, yeah that makes sense," God, this conversation is weird. "I don't really know what else to ask."

                He let out a small laugh. "You saw me turn into a gigantic wolf and that's the only question you have?" I smiled sheepishly. "How about you just tell me what's real and what's not?"

                Grayson nodded. "I can do that. First, we don't turn just on a full moon. Yeah, there's a stronger pull to shift when there's a full moon, but you learn control as time goes on. We're also pack animals. There's a whole pack hierarchy that the wolves follow in each pack. Think of it kind of like a small town. There's an alpha, a beta, and a gamma. After those positions, there's pack warriors, doctors, cooks, cleaners, everything a town would need."

                I frowned slightly. "Are you saying our town is all werewolves?" He shook his head. "No, the pack stays in the forest in a community. Operose is a human town, my pack is in the forest surrounding the town, kind of like its protectors."

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