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Trigger warning: violence & blood in the beginning

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Trigger warning: violence & blood in the beginning

                There were very few times in my life where I was genuinely shocked. The first time was when my mom said out of the blue that we were moving without my dad. I had been shocked. The second time was when Grayson became my best friend. I had been shocked. The third time was when Grayson didn't speak to me for two whole days a couple of weeks ago. I had been shocked.

                Two out of the three times, it had involved Grayson who had been a part of the most shocking moments of my life, the moments I couldn't believe were actually happening. It only made sense that Grayson was a part of the fourth biggest shock of my life.

                In place of where Grayson was standing was a large black wolf, bigger than the red brown one currently looking at me like I was his next meal. The black wolf, or Grayson I guess, was objectively beautiful. Its fur was dark, and it made me want to reach out and touch it because it looked so soft. Although, at this very moment, the last thing I was thinking of was the very terrifying wolf's fur.

                I wanted to scream, but its like I couldn't make any noise. I was quite literally frozen with fear.

                The black wolf began to slowly creep up to the russet-colored wolf, as if he was the predator who had found his next prey. He moved with precision, so quietly that if I wasn't seeing it, I wouldn't know he was there.

                But the russet wolf grew impatient.

                It leaped into an attack; jaws open, ready to bite down on the black wolf. Its teeth were sharp, ready to rip open a jugular at a moments notice. The black wolf seemed to be expecting it because he leaped at him at the same time with his claws ready to attack. His claws were sharp, deadly looking.

                The two wolves growled and nipped at each other, tumbling to the forest floor. Grayson ended on top of the russet wolf with his jaws open, teeth gleaming ready to tear into his opponent's throat. The wolf below him began thrashing around, biting at the air, but Grayson wasn't giving it an opening.

                It was the oddest image. Grayson was obviously so much stronger, but this wolf was fighting so relentlessly, as if not realizing that he was being defeated. As if his life meant so little and his sole purpose was to kill, even if that meant taking himself down as well.

                The black wolf held a paw down to the other wolf's neck, taking away his ability to breathe. He began to wheeze loudly, and I could see him growing weaker. It wasn't even a battle, more like a mercy killing.

                The black wolf removed his paw from the wolf's neck and clamped his teeth down on his neck and ripped out his throat.

                I was still frozen in shock, but that sight, I began to cry and dry heave. It was the most gruesome sight I had ever saw. The russet wolf was pouring blood from his neck, and I could see the fur and skin the black wolf had spat out. He stood there over his opponent, as if to make sure every bit of life was gone.

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