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                Finn decided we should meet up on Tuesday for coffee, three days before my eighteenth birthday

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                Finn decided we should meet up on Tuesday for coffee, three days before my eighteenth birthday. Grayson had driven me to school Monday and today, but I told him in the car that I was going to grab coffee with Finn after school. He had stayed silent after that before eventually saying "Okay" and to be safe. I could tell Grayson was still uncomfortable with us talking about Finn, but I could always tell her was trying.

                Finn had picked me up from school and we had just arrived at Manhattan a few minutes ago and were currently placing our orders. "...And whatever she's having," I was pulled from my thoughts to see Finn and the cashier staring at me. "Oh right, sorry. I'll just have a small white mocha, extra mocha."

                The cashier smiled and told us our drinks would be out in a few. Finn excused himself to use the restroom while I waited at the pickup counter. "That's not your normal male company," I was startled by the barista speaking to me. "Huh? Oh, you mean Grayson?"

                "I don't know his name, but the extremely hot and muscular guy I see you in here with usually. Where is he at?" She looked at me questioningly. I frowned slightly. Damn, she noticed he was hot?

                "That's my best friend. Finn is my... friend too I guess," The barista smirked at me. "Honey, both of those boys do not want to be just your friend," I frowned at her again but didn't bother to reply. Finn so rejoined us and our drinks were ready. We went to grab a seat. He began to direct us to the couch in front of the window.

                "Oh, do you mind if we don't sit there? I don't really like that seat," This was a lie, but it felt wrong to have Finn sit in mine and Gray's spot. Like I was cheating on him or something. Finn nodded and sat us at a couple of corner seats.

                We sat down across from each other, both holding our drinks in our hands. "I'm happy we get to do this, Brie," Finn started the conversation. I smiled at him. "Yeah, me too. I'm sorry again for having our date cut short, I really didn't feel well,"

                Finn nodded in understanding. "It's okay, are you feeling any better now?" In all honestly, I had felt better after our date, but I wasn't sure if it was because Grayson and I finally made up. But I couldn't really tell Finn that. "Yeah, I think it was just a small bug, nothing to worry about," There, that wasn't really a lie. I had felt slightly nauseous and uneasy during our date because the fight had made me physically ill.

                Finn smiled and said, "That's good, I'm happy to hear that," I cracked a small smile, not knowing what to say. I never really knew what to do around new people because I never really felt comfortable. Finn was still a stranger even though I knew things about him, but this thing between us was new. I think it was normal for that awkwardness to be there.

                I think Finn noticed the awkwardness because he quickly started a new conversation. "So, tell me things about yourself, I feel like we spoke mainly about me and books on our last date," I let out a small laugh and sipped my drink. "What do you want to know?"

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