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                I stood there frozen in Grayson's embrace

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                I stood there frozen in Grayson's embrace. I wanted to react, by either holding him close or shoving him away. I chose the latter.

                I pushed him hard, but he didn't budge much, only pulling away a couple of inches. "Sorry angel, I'm a little stronger than you," He smirked. He smirked! The audacity this man had.

                All the sadness I had experienced since we last spoke had quickly morphed into anger. I shoved him even harder than before. "Are you fucking kidding me, Grayson? After all this time, that's all you have to say to me?" I seethed with anger, practically spitting at him.

                I had succeeded in pushing him away, or perhaps he realized the extent of my emotions and let me go. I turned my back on him, choosing to pace around the room. "After all this time, this is what you do? The nerve of you! God, Grayson, I can't- " He cut me off. "Were you looking at the book I got you?

                I stopped and looked at him to see that he had moved closer to my bed where the book laid open. He began flicking through the pages with a small smile on his face. I cleared my throat. "Yeah, for a second."

                He glanced up at me, his smile growing. "I remember when I got you this book. Your face lit up as you looked through it and you tackled me to the ground, hugging me. I felt so damn happy that day," He looked back at the book with a wistful look on his face. "I remember making it. Maverick had made fun of me for days because I was freaking out so bad about trying to make it perfect. I was so scared you were going to hate it."

                "I never hated anything you gave me. Your gifts were always my favorite," I whispered softly. He looked back up at me, smiling sadly. "I need to explain everything to you."

                I walked up to him slowly, getting a closer look to just how actually tired he looked. He still had the same eyes, same curls, but something seemed off about him. He had this wild look in his eyes, as if he had been driving himself mad in the time we hadn't spoken.

                "There doesn't really seem to be a need to explain anything. You've said everything you needed to," I couldn't stop the biting tone my voice carried right now. I was enraged that he dared show his face around me after basically stating that he needed to stay away from me.

                "Please, angel. I just want to explain everything! I had no idea how hard all of this would be on the both of us, I thought it would be easier," He practically begged.

                I scoffed. "It's called sadness, Grayson. It's what happens after your best friend of ten years tells you that you're his soulmate but can never be together in any sense."

                He shook his head rapidly. "No, this feels different. I didn't realize how much it would affect the both of us, the distance. I think it's the bond-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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