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                I began to wake up to an overwhelming warmth that was causing me to sweat slightly

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                I began to wake up to an overwhelming warmth that was causing me to sweat slightly. I opened my eyes to see a navy t-shirt at my eyeline. I moved my head up to see Grayson's sleeping face above me. He had his arms wrapped around me, holding me closely and I could feel him breathing softly on my forehead. I was still so angry and upset with him, but I couldn't lie to myself. It was one of the best sleeps I had gotten since our argument.

                I continued staring at his sleeping face, asking myself when things began to change. When did we become the kind of people who got into fights and ignored each other? Gray has been the person I could always trust and be by my side through everything. He knew everything about me. That was the thing about Gray, it sometimes felt like he was peering into my soul, as if nothing could ever be hidden from him.

                But Grayson was hiding things. He always had. I knew there was a reason why he didn't go into detail about the family business or why I had never been invited to his house. I just didn't know what the reason was, but I was okay with that because it never affected our friendship. But he wasn't even telling me what made him so upset that he ignored me for the first time since I had met him. That was a secret I just couldn't turn a blind eye to.

                I was pulled out my thoughts when I saw Grayson stirring awake. I quickly shut my eyes so he wouldn't know that I had been staring at him for long time, but I should've known better.

                "I know you're awake Brielle," he spoke softly.

                I slowly peeled my eyes open. "Hi," I whispered.

                He stared at me with a soft smile on his lips. His hair was messy, a couple of pieces laying on his forehead. I forced myself to not push it out of the way. "I've missed you," he spoke carefully, as if the silent bubble we had around us could burst at any moment.

                My eyes softened. "I missed you too, but you could have called," His face dropped. "I know and I'm sorry,"

                "You gonna explain why you've been ignoring me for two days?"

                Grayson rolled over to be on his back and stared at the ceiling. He didn't speak for a few moments. "I got... upset that you said you were going on a date with that guy,"

                My heart skipped a beat and I nearly stopped breathing. Why was he upset? Was he returning my feelings that I had years ago? I cleared my throat. "Why?" I was still staring at him, but he continued to look at the ceiling.

                "It's always been me and you. I guess I freaked out because you've never had a... boyfriend," His voice sounded pained. "I was just upset because it felt like maybe I was going to lose you because then you would be spending more time with him instead of me," He glanced down at me to gauge my reaction.

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