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As soon as I walked in, the bell rung, signaling that first period was beginning

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As soon as I walked in, the bell rung, signaling that first period was beginning. I quickly ran to my seat next to Violet and sat down before Mr. Elrod could yell at me.

                Violet leaned over and whispered to me, "You were almost late. What, lover boy couldn't stop making out with you?" She giggled quietly.

                I glared at her. "You know me and Gray are just best friends." Ever since Violet had met me and Grayson, she was convinced we were in love with each other. I met Violet when I started middle school and we became fast friends. At that point, Grayson was in the eighth grade, and we had been best friends for three years. Violet and I sat together during lunch on the first day when Grayson came over and sat next to me. I introduced the two and Violet had just stared with her mouth open.

                She asked, "Is this your boyfriend?" She whispered the last word. I laughed while blushing and explained how we were best friends. Grayson didn't talk at all during that lunch and when I asked why, he simply replied, "I am your best friend, not her. She can't take you from me." I explained to him that would never happen, but it would be nice to have a girlfriend. Since then, Grayson has warmed up to her, but she still wasn't his favorite person.

                Violet didn't care because she loved to make fun of us. She was totally convinced we were lovers and if not, we were going to be. I always scoffed and rolled my eyes when she said that. Violet was a beautiful girl, who had olive colored skin and dark brown hair. She was of Hispanic heritage and had that Latina beauty. Although Violet had always been beautiful, it was easy to make friends with her because we were both socially awkward. As we grew up, Violet wasn't so much anymore, but I still was.

                Violet was really into art, always having paint stains on her hands and clothes. She didn't really care about washing it off claiming that it was still art, just on the human body. Her paintings are actually really beautiful and amazing, and she wants to pursue an art degree in college. I have no doubts that she will excel. Unlike me, who will not be going to college if I can't pass fucking geometry.

                After I met Grayson, I had developed a crush on him that lasted until I was 14. I had eventually realized that Grayson and I were never going to happen and moved on. Moving on is a loose term though, considering I have never had a boyfriend and no guys were interested in me. Violet knew about my old crush and still joked that we would end up together. I think she was secretly rooting for us.

                Math passed by slowly and the bell eventually rang, and all of the students gathered their things. I went on to my second and third period and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I headed to the library and picked a table and sat down. Violet showed up a few minutes later, sitting down from across me and throwing a bag of Doritos at me.

                "Are you ever going to eat lunch in the cafeteria like a regular high schooler?"

                I shook my head. "You know I hate eating in there because all anyone asks me is if Grayson is going to come and eat lunch with me." I said this while rolling my eyes. The female population here had Grayson painted as a God and their fascination with him hadn't died down when he graduated. The only reason I sat in the cafeteria to begin with is because it was a comfort spot. But it was only a comfort spot when Grayson was here.

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