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                I think I've stopped breathing

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                I think I've stopped breathing. Did he just say what I think he just said? "W-What?" I stuttered out.

                Grayson was staring at me intensely, with my face still in his hands. His face looks like it is filled with sorrow, which was strange because he just said something that changed my entire world. "You're my soulmate, Brie. I'm so sorry."

                I leaned out of his embrace in shock, as if he slapped me. Sorry, why was he sorry? This should be a good thing, right?

                "Why are you sorry?" He had brought his hands to his sides, standing up to his full height and turned away from me. "Because this is not the life I wanted for you. You are not supposed to be bound to me."

                "Why am I not supposed to be? I don't understand, Gray."

                "Because you were never supposed to know!" He huffed out. My eyes widened and I felt my heart pang.

                "What? Were you never going to tell me about this? Are you fucking kidding me?" I was so angry, but also so hurt. I was just supposed to live my life, not knowing that I have known my soulmate for years?

                "No, Brie, I was never going to tell you because you don't deserve to give up your life because of me!"

                "So, what, you just decided for us? For me?" I stood up from the bed with both of my hands on my hips.

                "Yes, because you don't get it! I can't give you a normal human life! I can't give you a human wedding or human children! I can't give you a normal human life where you go to college and have a career then come home to a husband and kids!" He was breathing heavily at this point, his shoulders moving up and down noticeably. His eyes were rimmed red, as if he was holding back tears.

                You know that moment when it feels like your heart is literally shattering in your chest? That one moment that happens in a second, but takes a lifetime to get over? This felt like that moment for me.

                I was crying more at this point, the tears running down my face. Grayson was looking at me with a deep sadness in his eyes that I felt like I was drowning in.

                "So, you just figured you would let me go through life never knowing that the person I was destined to be with had always been in my life? Just because you felt like you knew what I deserved, and you couldn't give it to me? That's not fucking fair, Grayson! It should have been a decision we made together!"

                "No because if I told you, you would be doing exactly what you're doing right now! Willing to give everything up just because of something fate told us! You don't understand, my world is dangerous, Brielle and I can't be with you knowing one day you will get hurt because of me!"

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