Ninth Chapter

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Friday 6th August
7:34 am

The beeping of his heart monitor, the smell of cleaning products, the pounding agony in his head and the comforting feeling of someone grasping his hand. These consumed Hayden as he reimagined consciousness. With his eyelids unbelievably heavy and the exhaustion that cut through his body like a knife, Hayden allowed himself to drip back into the darkness.

Friday 6th August
14:28 pm

When he regained consciousness once more, the agony in his head remained, however, the heaviness of his eyelids had gone. His hand had become unbearably hot as it was still being held. Hayden listened as muffled voices canceled out the repetitive beeping.

With an unexpected jolt of pain in his head, Hayden realised an audible groan.

Seconds after it left his lips, the muffled taking in the room fell to silence. That silence was filled with a quiet call of his name.

Having heard the hope in the speaker's voice, Hayden groaned once more and forced his eyes open. His dad sat on a chair to his right, holding his hand. Directly in front of him. A doctor stood, smiling at him through pearly white teeth, clearly not just the result of brushing.

"I'm happy to see you awake-"the doctor began, a painful looking smile too wide to be genuine on his face. "Do you remember what happened to you?"

"Well, considering I've been asleep for who knows how long... No, I don't," Hayden spat, an annoyed look on his face.

"Enough!" Josh intervened. Hayden stared at the blanket, a white abyss stared back at him. .

"Sorry Dad," Hayden mumbled.

"It's alright," Josh said gently. He lightly grabbed Hayden's chin and forced him to meet his eye.

Hayden stared back as his bottom lip ached from the pressure of his teeth.

"Come here." Josh opened his arms.

A bright smile had its way onto Hayden's face as he quickly moved closer and buried himself in the comforting embrace.

The doctor cleared his throat.

The unsuspected noise caused Hayden to pull away and glare at the doctor, whose annoyed expression was quickly replaced with a pleasant smile. 

"I just have a couple of questions for you," he said, his eyes trained on Hayden.

"Do you remember your name?"

Hayden rolled his eyes.

"Yes-" Hayden sighed. "It's Hayden Johnson," Hayden said impatiently.

"I understand this is an annoying process. But it has to be done in order for us to check the extent of your injuries." The doctor explained patiently. "Now, the next question... Do you know what the date is?"

"Erm, Thursday 9th July? Wait... I've been asleep so... Friday 10th?" Hayden asked.

"Not quite. Do you know where you are?"

"Hospital. What day is it?" Hayden answered instantly.

"It's actually Friday 6th of August," the doctor answered. "I phrased that question wrong. Do you know what country you're in?"

"... Britain," Hayden responded hesitantly. His eyes landed on his dad, who had a devastated look on his face, which quickly switched to a forced smile when he noticed Hayden looking.

"Dad?" Hayden asked. "What's wrong? Why'd you have that look?" Hayden asked.

"Nothing Bud," Josh smiled.

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