Seventeenth Chapter

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Thursday 17th February
Johnson Household

Just under three weeks had passed since he had received a complaint from an older customer at work. In that time, Hayden had picked out a birthday gift for his father's forty-first birthday that had occurred a week prior on the 10th.

"What time do you call this?" Kaylee asked as Hayden walked into the living room. "Dad's making you drop us all off at Town later," Kaylee said as Hayden flopped down on the couch as Jasmine cast Hayden a small smile before returning her attention to the tv.

"Sure. How'd you two sleep?" Hayden asked as he half paid attention to whatever program the two fourteen-year-olds chose to watch.

"Fine," Jasmine answered happily, but Kaylee ignored him in favor of taking a drink of her diluted blackberry juice.

"Good; what time are you going into town?" Hayden asked as he pulled his phone out and unlocked it, before he opened his messages to Bridgette.

"I don't know-" Kaylee cast a look at Jasmine. "How about one, then we can go out for lunch," Kaylee suggested, which Jasmine nodded.

"Well, it will have to be around twelve because I've got college at half-past and I'm not being late," Hayden warned and turned his attention to his phone.

Bridgette 10:09am
Morning. You don't have a lecture today, right? If not, do you want to meet up after mine at two? Xx

"That'll be fine Hayd," Kaylee said without taking her gaze from the show.

"Since when do you go out anyway?" Hayden asked with a sceptical look.

Kaylee shrugged.

"I don't know what you mean. I always go out! You're just too busy going out every night and not coming back to notice me leaving," Kaylee said.

"Are you sure they're no boys involved?" Hayden asked with a smirk.

"Shut up! No, I don't need to have a boyfriend to go out!" Kaylee raised her voice and glared.

"I'm not saying you have to! I'm just saying that it's strange that you like going out with your friends a lot now when last year you couldn't care any less about it," Hayden explained.

"It's not any of your business, Hayden! Just leave me alone and stay out of my life!" Kaylee screamed.

"What is going on here?!" Josh asked with an annoyed look as he rested his shoulder on the wall.

"Hayden's butting into my life and being annoying! Tell him to stop!" Kaylee shouted as she flung her arms around.

"Hayden, leave your sister alone, actually come help me with breakfast. I don't want ether if you arguing you're getting far too old to be bickering like this; act your age, both of you; you're not little kids, so I don't expect you to act like it... Let's go Hayden!" Josh ordered.

Hayden sighed and glared at his younger sister and placed his phone on the arm of the couch; he then stood up and walked out, without another word to the smirking girl.

"Get the pancake ingredients and anything you want on yours out," Josh ordered as they entered the kitchen.

"Yes Sir." Hayden nodded and walked around the kitchen to gather the supplies alongside syrup and chocolate source, as well as some blueberries that would be out of date the following day.

"Why do you constantly get on her nerves?" Josh asked as he reached into the top cupboards and pulled a couple of pans out.

"She gets on mine just as often," Hayden said as Josh turned the hob on.

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